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H- and He-burning central stars and the evolution to white dwarfs
Planetary Nebulae and Their Role in the Universe
IAU Symposium 209, 2002
M. Dopita, S. Kwok and R.S. Sutherland, eds.
H- and He-burning central stars and the evolution to
white dwarfs
T. Bl¨ocker
Max–Planck–Institut f¨ur Radioastronomie, 53121 Bonn, Germany
0 Abstract. The structure and evolution of central stars of planetary
0 nebulae (CSPNe) is reviewed. CSPNe represent the rapid transitional
2 stage between the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) and the white-dwarf
l domain. It is shown that the whole evolution off the AGB through the
J central-star regime depends on the evolutionary history. The detailed
8 evolution into a white dwarf is controlled by the internal stellar structure
which, in turn, is determined by the duration of the preceding AGB
1 evolution and therefore by the AGB mass-loss history. The evolution of
v hydrogen-deficient central stars has been a matter of debate since many
6 years. Convective overshoot appears to be a key ingredient to model these
1 objects. Various thermal-pulse scenarios with inclusion of overshoot are
7 discussed, leading to surface abundances in general agreement with those
0 observed for Wolf-Rayet central stars.
p 1. Introduction
r Central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPNe) represent the rapid transitional
s stage between the Asympto
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