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Hercules(Heracle) 介绍
Hercules Diogenes Alexander Labor to help mankind Life’s aim Presentation about Hercules Hercules,son of Zeus and Alcmene(阿尔克墨涅) ,also called Heracles in Roman myth,is one of the most great heroes in Greece.He is a man of unuasual strength,with big courages and afraid of nothing. birth growth sufferings how did Hercules become a hero became a god Zeus Hercules Hera Perseus Alcmene 嫉恨 儿子 情人 妻 妒忌 孙女 Amphitryon (The king of Thebes) 丈夫 养育 孙子 儿子 儿子 1.Hara suckled(哺乳)him. Hercules became a half-god. Because of Athena’s preference, he was taken back to his mother. 2. Hercules held two snakes dead. education election twelve labors Growth Protect Mount Olympus remarry . the son of Hermes Amphitryon Rhadamanthys Linos Autolycus Castor Eurytus chariot 二轮战车 Hercules knowledge music fight weapons archery 箭术 His adoptive father son of Apollo Zeus son King of Oechalia abuse Kill Heracules was giwen choices by two nymphs: Pleasure could offer him a pleasant and easy life. Vitura could offer him a severe but glorious life: he choose the latter. He killed a lion on the mountain Kithairon which decimated the herds of Amphitryon 1. Slay the Nemean lion (扼死铜筋铁骨的涅墨亚森林的猛狮) 2.Slay the 9-headed Lernaean Hydra (杀死勒尔涅沼泽为害人畜的九头水蛇 ). 3.Capture the Golden Hind of Artemis (生擒克律涅亚山里金角铜蹄的赤牡鹿) 4.Capture the Erymanthian Boar (活捉埃里曼托斯山密林里的大野猪) 5.Clean the Augean stables in a single day (引河水清扫奥革阿斯积粪如山的牛圈) 6.Kill the Stymphalian Bird(赶走斯廷法罗湖上的怪鸟 ) 7.Capture the Cretan Bull (捕捉克里特岛发疯的公牛) 8.Steal the horses of Diomedes (把狄奥墨得斯的吃人的马群从色雷斯赶到迈锡尼 ) 9.Obtain the Girdle of the Amazon Queen (战胜阿马宗女人的首领希波吕忒,取来她的腰带 ) 10.Gain the Cattle of the Monster Geryon (从埃里忒亚岛赶回革律翁的红牛,途中将两座峭岩立在地中海的尽头(即赫拉克勒斯石柱) ) 11.Obtain the Apple of the Hesperides (获取赫斯佩里得斯圣园里的金苹果) 12.Capture and bring back Cerberus (把冥府的三头狗刻尔柏罗斯带到人间,后又送回冥府) murder his three sons and newphew by accident a servant died for his slight slap kill by his wife Sufferings married Hercules Deianira suspected him was
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