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年 月 安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版) 20 10 3 Mar.,2010 第 卷第 期 19 2 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University(social science edition) Vol.19 No.2 《白纻辞》的拟代* ———兼论乐府诗拟代中的复变规律 方孝玲 (合肥师范学院 科研处,安徽 合肥 230061) 摘 要:咏赞或配合魏晋南北朝隋唐时期的名舞《白纻舞》表演的乐府歌诗——— 《白纻辞》盛行一时,在歌舞消 亡后的宋元明清时期也同样受到诗人的青睐,拟辞不断。《 白纻辞》可分为两类:拟篇乐府和赋题乐 府。《白纻辞》在拟制过程中,呈现出较为复杂的情况,但也有规律可循,这就是复变规律,这也是乐府 诗拟代过程中存在的普遍现象。 关键词:白纻辞;拟代;复变规律 中图分类号:I207.22 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009- 2463 (2010)02- 0096- 06 On Amitation of Baizhu Lyrics ———Also on the Law of Reversion and Change in Yuefu Imitating FANG Xiao- ling (Scientific Research Division, Hefei Normal University, Hefei 230061, China) Abstract: Baizhu Dance was one of the most famous dances in ancient China. Baizhu Lyrics was written in order to praise Baizhu Dance or used as the lyrics of Baizhu Song companied by Baizhu Dance. In Southern and Northern Dynasties and Tang Dynasty when Baizhu Dance was very popular , the poets took active part in writing Baizhu lyrics. The poets still liked writing Baizhu lyrics from Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty when Baizhu Dance was not performed .The lyrics are classified into two types, Nipian Yuefu and Futi Yuefu. We find the law of reversion and change during the imitating of Baizhu Lyrics, which is general laws of Yuefu imitating. Key words: Baizhu Lyrics, imitating;the law of reversion and change 白 辞 是我国古代著名的乐府诗题 又名 坛著名诗人多拟制过 白 辞 如刘宋时期鲍 《 纻 》 , 《 纻 》, 白


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