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综合英语二下册课后讲解 lesson 1?? Courtesy:Key to a happier world 难句释义: 1.Courtesy,politeness,good-manners——call it what you will,the supply never seems to equal the demand: 礼貌也好,客气,或文明举止也好,无论你称它什么,其供应似乎总是小于需求。(意思是人们维护和谐的关系所需要的礼貌从来都低于他们实际表现出的水平。) 2.What impelled the boy to take so much trouble to spare the feelings of a stranger?Courtesy,compassionate courtesy. 是什么促使这个年轻人不厌其烦地这么做?是礼貌,基于同情心的礼貌。(为了不让一个陌生人感到自己无用而难堪。) 3.Even when you have doubts about some people,act as if they are worthy of your best manners. 即使对有些人你不太有把握(他们是否值得你礼遇),也要以礼相待,就像他们值得你这样对待他们一样。 4.All skills require constant repetition to become second nature;good manners are no exception. 一切技能都需要经常重复而后才能成为第二天性,礼貌也是如此。 5.Nowhere is thinking courtesy more important than in marriage. 理性的礼貌在婚姻中比在其他任何方面都更加重要。 (此句是倒装句,表强调。正常语序:Thinking courtesy is more important in marriage than anywhere else.) 6.But some of the most precious gifts in life come with no strings attached. 可是生活中的有些最宝贵的赠品却是不带有任何附加条件的。(意思是别人对你的善举、好意、礼貌也是生活给你的赠品——无须回报就能得到的东西,不要认为人家是别有用心的。) 7.The only constant,daily,effective solution is politeness——which is the golded rule in action. 唯一能经常、每天使用的有效的解决方法就是以礼待人这个行为准则。 ?Lesson 2 3?? The man who could work miracles(I? ? II) 1.It’s something contrary to the course of nature done by power of will. 奇迹是通过意志的力量产生违反自然规律的事物。 2.The fears of his first discovery were now mixed with pride and ideas of advantage. 刚发现自己超凡能力时的恐惧心情这时已经掺入了自豪感和优越感。 3.As the day passed, his state of mind passed from wonder to delight. 就在这一天之内,他的思想状况由惊讶变成了喜悦。 4.Mr. Fotheringay performed no more miracles that night, nor did he trouble to see what had become of his flowering stick. 那天夜里,佛泽林盖先生没有再制造奇迹,也没有费神去看看他那根开花的拐仗到底怎么样了。 5.Except for the loss of his miraculous powers, everything was back as it had been. And among other things, of course,he did not believe in miracles. 除了失去他那不可思议的能力之外,一切都回到了以往的状况,其中当然也包括他不相信有奇迹这一情况。 Lesson 4??? Zero hour:43 seconds over Hiroshima紧急时刻:广岛上空的43秒钟 1.But she felt well enough to be up and about. 不过,她感觉起床活动是没有问题的。 2.she had s


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