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物理实验室常用直流稳压电源设计 摘 要:设计并制作了一款适合物理和电子实验室使用的直流稳压电源。该电源利用三端稳压器件LM317、LM337实现3~V输出可调的正负直流电,输出电流可达1.5A;使用LM7805、LM7905、ASM1117实现+5V、-5V、+3.3V的直流稳压输出。整个电源主要由变压器、整流电路、滤波电路,以及稳压电路几部分组成,采用Altium Designer软件设计了电路PCB,用热转印技术和化学腐蚀方法进行了PCB板制作,其体积小,稳定性好且性价比较高。实测数据和实验结果表明该电源可调性灵活、精度高、正负电源对称性好,具有极高的实用性及经济性。该电源除了可用于物理、电子实验室外,还可给各类电子设计提供稳定、可靠和廉价的电源,具有广泛的实用价值。 关键词:稳压电源;正负可调;PCB设计;Altium Desiger;热转印;化学腐蚀 Abstract: DC power supply is designed and fabricated in order to adapt to the use in a physical and electronic laboratory. The power supply device makes use of a three terminal regulator LM317, LM337 to achieve positive and negative output adjustable DC power supply between 3V and 40V, and puts to use LM7805, LM7905, ASM1117 to achieve DC power supply of +5 V, -5V, +3.3V, whose output current can come up to 1.5A. The whole power supply is mainly made of the power transformer, rectifier改正, filterg过滤 circuit 巡回and voltage 电压regulator circuit, designed by adopting 接受Altium Designer software of the circuit PCB. PCB boards are fabricated 制造in the power supply by using the methods of thermal热的 transfer technology and chemical corrosion衰退 methods because of owing to small sizes, good stability 稳定and higher cost-effective. Measured data and experimental results show that the power adjustable is flexible and has high precision精确度 and good symmetry整齐 of positive and negative power, which is highly practical and economical. The power supply can be used not only in physical and electronic laboratories, but also to provide stable, reliable and affordable power supply for all types of electronic design, with a wide range of practical value. Keywords: Power supply; Positive and negative adjustable; PCB design; Altium Designer; Heat transfer; Chemical corrosion 物理实验室常用直流稳压电源设计 0 引 言 在电子线路的相关应用中,电源是其必不可少的部分,电源系统质量的优劣和性能的可靠性直接决定着整个电子设备的质量。直流稳压电源作为直流能量的提供者,在各种电子设备中有着极其重要的地位,它的性能良好与否直接影响到电子产品的精度、稳定性和可靠性。随着电子技术的日益发展,电源技术也得到了很大的发展,它从过去一个不太复杂的电子线路发展到今天具有较强功能的模块。人们对电源的质量、功能和性能要求也随之变得越来越高。其中利用集成稳压器制作的集


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