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中国海洋大学首席翻译邹卫宁教授与您网谈同声传译的魅力 青岛新闻网  2004-09-06 主持人: 邹卫宁教授,男,出生于甘肃省兰州市,现为中国海洋大学国际合作与交流处翻译室首席翻译,中国海洋大学外国语学院研究生导师,青岛市翻译协会特聘同声传译员,并被北京外国语学院翻译培训中心特聘为全国外语翻译证书(英语)口笔译主讲教师。邹教授在兰州大学先后获得英语专业学士学位,新闻英语专业硕士学位,后经过多年的国外生活和教学及翻译实践,在同声传译领域取得了令人瞩目的成就,成为岛城知名的同声传译教师,并培养了大量的优秀口译人员。 同声传译是一门新兴的语言翻译学科,指的是由一种语言向另一种语言的同时翻译,其间要求译者不能改变来源语的意义及感情色彩。这门学科有着巨大的发展前景,但同时又要求学习者有着良好的语言基础知识、出众的反应能力及镇定自若的临场发挥。所以怎样成为一名优秀的同声传译人员激发起越来越多的语言爱好者的兴趣,今天我们就来讨论一下有关同声传译的话题。 Prof. Zou Weining, Male, was born in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. At present he is the chief interpreter of the Translation Office and Professor of English at the Ocean University of China, as well as simultaneous interpreter of Qingdao Translators Association. He has been appointed as the senior instructor for the program of advanced interpretation and translation in Beijing Foreign Studies University’s Translation Interpretation Training Center. Prof. Zou graduated from Lan Zhou University with Bachelor degree of English and Master Degree of English Journalism. Thanks to several years of overseas life and rich experience in teaching and translating practice, he has made great achievements in the field of interpretation and become well known in Qingdao’s interpreting community. As an teacher of interpretation, he has trained quite a few interpreting professionals in the recent years. Simultaneous Interpretation is a sunrise language translation science, which includes simultaneous oral translating practice that converts one language into another without changing the ideas and emotion contained in the source language. With a bright prospect, it also demands that learners should have solid basic knowledge, swift reflexes and calm stage performance. Therefore, more and more devotees of language have showed their interests in simultaneous interpretation.   主持人:同声传译对于大多数热爱英语的人来说是既陌生神秘又具有极高挑战性的,而该行业较高的报酬又为其增添了不少诱惑力。成为一名合格的同传译员不仅需要有过硬的英汉自如转换的语言能力,而且还需要良好的心理素质,能够快速反应,沉着应变。这些都是与长期刻苦的和科学的练习分不开的。随着青岛成为2008年奥运会的伙伴城市和其举办的各类国际性会议的增多,成为一


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