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legal terms

crime homicide attempted murder assault and battery kidnapping, abduction highjacking piracy rape 杀人罪 谋杀未遂 殴打,侵犯人身罪 诱拐,拐骗 劫持(飞机) 海盗罪,盗版 强奸罪 theft, larceny armed robbery burglary smuggling, contraband swindle embezzlement bribery, suborning fraud 盗窃罪 持械抢劫 入室行窃 走私罪 诈骗罪 贪污公款罪 行贿,受贿 欺诈 tax evasion 偷税 misuse of authority 滥用职权 blackmail 敲诈勒索 calumny, slander 诽谤罪 intoxication 酗酒 harbor 包庇,窝藏罪 receive 窝赃罪 threat, menace 恐吓 high treason 叛国罪 adultery通奸 disturbance of peace 扰乱治安 customs duties 关税 death duty (tax) 遗产税 royalties 版税 stamp duty (tax) 印花税 income tax 所得税 summons issue a summons 发出传票 serve a summons on sb 把传票送达… subpoena 传票 court: ?judge: robe, gavel, wig, badge lawyer; attorney; attorney-at-law (美)律师, attorney-in-fact 代理人 barrister (英,有资格出席高等法院的)律师, solicitor (英,初级)律师, court day courtroom 审判室 lawcourt 法院,法庭 appear in court 出庭,到庭 dock 被告席(刑庭) be in the dock 在受审 dock brief (英)律师给无钱被告的免费辩护 plea in bar 答辩 bystander in a court 旁听者 president of law court chief /presiding judge 庭长 engrossment clerk 书记员 court: extenuating circumstances 可使罪行减轻的情况 aggravating ~ 可加重罪行的情况 exculpatory ~ 可开脱罪责的情况 exonerating ~ 可证明无罪的情况 court: jury: juror, foreman 陪审长, jury box, hung jury 悬而不决的陪审团, mistrial 无效审判(因 诉讼程序错误或陪审团意见不一等) a coroner’s jury / a jury of inquest (审查死因的)验尸陪审团 counsel defender辩护人, counsel for the defense, defense counsel 辩护律师 prosecution 原告及其律师, counsel for the prosecution 控方律师 testify witness, eyewitness, side witness, witness box testimony, testify, testimonial call sb. in testimony, give evidence, perjury; perjury oneself; perjurer 作伪证; 使作伪证;作伪证者 take an oath, What I say is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 我所说的全是事实,决无谎言。 examination, cross-examination Objection! Objection sustained. Overruled. hearing establish / prove / produce an alibi penalty to announce the verdict, guilty, innocent sentence, pass sentence on sb. 判----刑, under sentence of death 被判处死刑, serve a sentence of 30 years 服三十年徒刑, sentence sb. to life imprisonm


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