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Evaluaition of ADLs 日常生活活动能力评定
Evaluation of Activities of Daily Living日常生活活动能力评定 武若雯,OT Teaching and research section of Rehabilitation Medicine The Second People’s Hospital of Yunnan Province Introduction Why must we discuss about daily living in the field of medicine? 为什么我们需要在医学范畴中讨论关于日常生活的问题 Introduction Evaluation of ADL is a way to describe the functional status of a person ADL评定用于评定个体关于日常生活的功能情况 It is a tool in the biopsychosocial model of medcine 它正符合生物一心理一社会医学模式 What is ADLs Activities of daily living (ADLs) : the things we normally do in daily living,including activities we perform for the care of ourselves without any assistance 狭义:指人们为独立生活而每天必须反复进行的、最基 本的、具有共性的活动 What is ADLs In a broad sense: 指个体在家庭、工作环境及社区里自己管理自己 包括:与他人交往,以及在经济上、社会上、职业上合理安排自己的能力 What is ADLs Self-care mobility Communication housework recreation What is ADLs Basic/Physical activities of daily living 基础性日常生活活动(或躯体性日常生活活动) Instrumental activities of daily living 工具性日常生活活动 Basic/Physical activities of daily living (BADL/PADL) Personal hygiene and grooming 个人卫生及修饰 Dressing and undressing 更衣 Feeding 进食 Functional transfers 转移 Voluntarily controlling of Bladder and Bowels 二便控制 Ambulation (Walking or in a wheelchair) 步行或轮椅活动 Instrumental activities of daily living(IADL) Housework 家务劳动 Community integration 社会交际 Shopping 购物 Financial management 财务管理 Telephone use 使用电话 Recreation 娱乐消遣 Using technology (as applicable) 恰当地运用技术 Purpose Evaluate the status of independence 确定患者生活自理的程度 Find out the reasons 分析日常生活功能障碍的原因 Set individualized rehabilitation goals and plans 拟定合适的治疗目标,并确定针对性的治疗方案 Assess rehabilitation outcomes and discharge arrangement 评价治疗效果并为患者提供出院指导 Steps Collect related information 收集资料 Interview 与患者及家属进行交谈 Set about measurement scales 运用评定量表进行评定 Common used scales BI/MBI Barthel 指数/改良Barthel指数 Katz index Katz 指数 FIM 功能独立性评定量表 Functional comprehensive assessment