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, Journal of A nhu A gr. S c. 2010, 38( 17) : 9295- 9297 马卫鹏 况玲玲 * 郝春旭, 杨莉菲, 温亚利 ( , 100083 ) 依据 1995~ 2007 年北京市经济发展的相关数据, 选取相关经济指标, 采用主成 析法对北京市经济发展水平进行 析结果 表明, 1995~ 2007年国民经济保持高速持续稳定的发展, 第一二产业产值均逐年递增, 第三产业产值增长迅猛; 年生产总值第三产 业总产值和社会消费品零售总额对北京市经济水平情况影响最大, 第二产业总产值是北京市经济环境中的增长能力因子通过实证 析发现, 在经济高速发展的同时, 北京市经济发展过程中存在着自然资源匮乏城市规模发展过快城市污染严重缺乏对周边地区的辐 射能力产业结构不合理这一系列问题为此, 有针对性地提出强化全国政治中心文化中心功能加强北京基础设施建设完善社会保 障体系提升产业竞争力抢占科技前沿和产业链的高端等对策建议, 以期加快北京经济发展, 完善相关制度和政策, 为政府制定相关政 策提供依据 经济水平; 主成 析; SPSS 统计软件; 北京市 F 224; F 127 A 0517 - 6611( 2010) 17- 09295- 03 StatisticalAnalysis of theEconom ic Level of Beijing HAO Chun-xu et al ( Co llege o f E conom cs M anagem ent, Be j ng Forestry Un vers ty, Be j ng 100083) Abstract A ccord ng to the data of econom c developm ent n Be j ng from the year 1995 to 2007, re levant econom c nd ces are se lected to ana- lyze the econom c developm ent leve l o f Be j ng by the pr n c pa l com ponent analys s m eth od. Result sh ow s that th e nat ona l economy m a nta ns h gh, susta nable and stable developm ent n th e years 1995- 2007. Both th e prm ary and secondary ndu stry output values have ncreased year by year; and th e tert ary ndu stry output valu e h as grow n rap dly. The annual gross dom est c product, the output value o f tert ary n du stry, and th e to- ta l reta l sales of consum er goods have the greatest m pact on econom c level o f Be j ng. Output valu e of secondary ndustry s th e grow th ab l ty factor n econom c env ronm ent. Em p r cal analys s show s that there are a num b er of prob lem s n Be j ng dur ng th e rap d developm ent of econo- my, such as ser ous urban po llut on, rrat onal ndustr al structure, lack o f natural resources, rap d deve lopm ent o f c ty sca le, and lack of rad at on on the surroun d ng area. Th erefore, suggest on s are put forw ard



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