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Groundwater Dynamics Problem Sets Weimin Ye Professor, Ph.D. Department of Geotechnical Engineering School of Civil Engineering Tongji University 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China P.R. Groundwater Dynamics Problem Sets First Edition Weimin YE Qian Zhao Yonggui Chen Bin Ye Long Xu Preface Groundwater hydrology is the science that treats the occurrence, distribution and movement of water below the surface of the earth. Groundwater Dynamics addresses the principles that govern the groundwater movement in the pores, fissures and solution cracks As a compulsory course for bachelor students majoring in geological engineering, Groundnwater Dynamcis has been taught in bilingual classes at Tongji University for more than ten years. It was awarded as one of the National Bilingual Demonstration Courses by the Ministry of Education of China in 2009. This book is intended for a supplementary textbook of the course Groundwater Dynamics taught in English. It also can be used as a reference book for graduate students, engineers who study and work in relevant fields. Problems are reorganized in 7 chapters according to the syllabus of Groundwater Dynamics. Some of them are adapted and edited from other textbooks, which are listed in the reference of this book. Many thanks should be given to the authors of these books. In each chapter, problems are presented in “Words and phrases explanation”, “Fill in the blanks”, “True-false questions”, “Construction problems” and “Analysis and calculation”, in order to help readers to understand the fundamental principles, problems and methods in the field. The authors are grateful to the Project National Bilingual Demonstration Courses : “Groundwater Dynamics” for the financial support. Thanks are also given to some of our former students, Mr. Zhang Wenxiang and Mr. Zhang Xingya, who once help us to read the manuscript and provided constructive feedback. Senior editor Ms. Yang Ningxia at Tongji University


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