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秘书secretary ?[‘sekr?t?r?] secret秘密 ; –ary 后缀 表示“从事….的人/物” 客人guest [gest] 尊贵的客人honored guest 石家庄君乐宝乳业有限公司 Shijiazhuang Junlebao Dairy Co., Ltd. (corporation limited) 贸易公司 trading company luggage行李(英式英语) baggage行李(美式英语) suitcase手提箱 case 箱子 5. pick up sb开车接某人 停车场parking lot park vt.停放车辆 6. in one’s place= instead of sb替代某人=replace sb 7. in person亲自=personally亲自地、当面地 ;8.mean 意欲、打算、想要(过去式meant 过去分词meant) ①mean to do sth 打算做某事=want to do 例:I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to. 我想去,但是我父亲不肯让我去。 ②mean doing意味着,象征 例: Doing that means wasting time那样做意味着浪费时间。 例句: Manager Wang meant to come here to meet you in person. But some other business held him back, so he asked me to come in his place. 王经理本来打算亲自来接您,但他被一些其他事情缠住了,所以才叫我代替他来。 hold back 阻碍、阻止 ;9. appreciate ?[?pri???e?t]感激 appreciate + sth 感激… appreciate your help/support appreciate it +that 从句 appreciate it +if 从句 例句:I appreciate it that you have come here early.感谢你来得这么早。 I appreciate it very much if you can help me. 如果你能帮我的话,我将十分感激。 10. by the way顺便说一句 in the way 挡路例句:Don’t stand in the way./in my way.;Meeting a Foreign Customer At the Airport ? Secretary: Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from the Tiger Trading Company of America? Guest: Yes, Im Peter Smith. Secretary: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Mei. Im from the Beijing United Textile [teksta?l] Corporation. Im here to meet you. Did you have a nice journey, Mr. Smith? Guest: Yes, the flight was smooth. The service was good, too. ;Secretary: Im glad to hear that. We have a car over there to take you to your hotel. Do you have all your luggage here? Guest: Yes, its all here. Secretary: Let me help you with this case. Guest: Thanks. And thank you for all your trouble. Secretary: No trouble at all. This way, please. ;;前台、服务台reception [r?sep??n] 前台接待员 receptionist [r?sep??n?st] 2. c


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