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23 2 Vol23, No2 2008 4 JOURNAL OF NORTH SICHUAN MED ICAL COLLEGE Apr2008 200 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 康后生 , 罗文峰 , 何 禹 , 肖 影, 魏 锦 , 陈绍平 , 谢建平, 周仲辉 ( 1. ; 2. ; 3. , 637000) : , 206, , , , , , , , : ; : 100536 7( 2008): G642 : A Analysis on the A cadem ic R ecord Correlation betw een Basic and Special ized Courses forM edical Students 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 KANG Housheng , LUO W enfeng , HE Yu , X IAO Y ing , WEI Jin , CHEN Shaop ing , X IE Jianping, ZHOU 3 Zonghu i ( 1Aff iliated H o sp ital Teach ing and R esearch Section of Interna lM ed ic ine 2. Teach ing Aff a irs Off ice 3. N o. 1Aff iliated H osp ital, N orth S ichuan M ed ical Co lleg e, N anchong, S ich uan 637000) A bstrac t: O bj ective TO provide basis for the school teaching reform w ith analysis on the academ ic record correlation among general basic, specialized bas ic and specialized courses form edical studen ts. M e thod s By principle of educational statistics, w e analyze the correlation of academ ic records of general basic, specialized basic, and specialized courses for 206 NSMC undergraduates of clinical m ed icine in Grade 2002. R esults The academ ic records are positively correlated bewt een m edical general basic courses and m edical specialized bas ic, bridg ing, clin ical courses. Conclusion It ind icates that it is of great mi portance to enhance m ed ical basic course teach ing in future. The mi portant approaches to successfu lly ensure the studentsrealization of the cultivation purpose are as follows: correctivem anagement of the relationsh ip betw een m edical basic and specialized courses; profound understanding of their close vertical ties; and enhancem ent of m ed ical basic course teach ing. K ey w ord s: M ed ical S tudents;


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