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纳米保健技术走向贫困国家 纳米技术的应用对象都是分子级和原子级的物质。如今,长度为一纳米,即十亿分之一米的粒子已被开发出多种用途,如制造美容产品和抗污型服装等。但其中一个领域科学家认为潜力尤为巨大,那就是医药领域。 在上周于华盛顿Woodrow Wilson国际中心召开的一个项目会议上,科学家们探讨了如何将纳米技术应用于贫困国家人口保健的事宜。 来自多伦多大学的Peter Singer声称一项名为量子点的纳米技术可被应用于疟疾的诊断。相对于传统的仅用显微镜观察血液样本的方法,此技术要先进得多。 由于贫困国家往往没有条件应用此项新技术,许多健康人被误诊为疟疾患者,而药物的滥用又导致了抗药性的产生。所谓量子点是指一些被激活后会发光的粒子,如今科学家正在研究为它们编程的方法,以便当靶分子存在的时候就能够通过发光来诊断疾病。 纳米技术的优越性不光体现在疾病的诊断,还包括疾病的治疗。国立卫生研究所的Piotr Grodzinski与大家共同探讨了如何运用纳米技术来增强药效。以一些已经使用了纳米技术的抗癌药物为例,他指出,如果药物可以针对癌症病灶而不是整个人体,治疗所需药量就会大大减少,副作用也会降低。 Andrew Maynard是Woodrow Wilson中心新兴的纳米技术工程部骨干科学家,他注意到巴西、印度、中国及南非正在开发可被贫困国家所应用的纳米技术。与此同时他指出,与较大分子不同,纳米材料的颗粒在人体内和体外环境中的作用可能有所不同,因此纳米技术的应用存在一定风险,若要深入研究这些风险则需要更大的资金投入。 Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the Poor Nanotechnology uses matter at the level of molecules and atoms. Researchers are finding different uses for particles with a length of one nanometer, or one-billionth of a meter. These include things like beauty products1 and dirt-resistant clothing. But one area where many experts believe nanotechnology holds great promise is medicine. Last week, speakers at a program in Washington discussed using .nanotechnology to improve health care in developing countries. The program took place at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Peter Singer at the University of Toronto says a nanotechnology called quantum dots2 could be used to confirm eases of malaria. He says it could offer a better way than the traditional process of looking at a persons blood under a microscope. In poor countries, this process is often not followed. As a result, sick people may get treated for malaria even if they do not have it. Such misuse of medicines can lead to drug resistance. Quantum dots are particles that give off3 light when activated. Researchers are studying ways to program them to identify diseases by lighting up in the presence of a targeted molecule. 4 Experts say nanotechnology shows promise not just for diagnosing diseases, but also for treating


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