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一、单项选择。 1.__ __ world we live in! A.How wonderful B.How a wonderful C.What wonderful D.What a wonderful 2.Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned __ __ hard work. A.with B.by C.for D.without 3.—Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight,Kate? —Id love to,but Ive __ Lindas invitation to dinner.(2015,沈阳模拟) A.suffered B.earned C.received D.accepted D D D 4.In summer milk will quickly go bad __ __ it is put into a fridge.(2015,杭州) A.though B.unless C.because D.once 5.I am waiting for my friend.__ __,I will go swimming alone. A.If he doesnt come B.If he wont come C.If he will come D.If he is coming B A 二、根据所给中文完成句子翻译。 6.我今晚可以和朋友闲逛吗?(2015,辽阳模拟) Could I ________with my friends tonight? 7.我认为琳达能照顾好她自己。(2015,营口模拟) I think Linda can _____________________herself well. 8.我不能去你的聚会了,我要为考试做准备。 I cant go to your party.I have to _____________the exam. 9.请把这个橙子切成两半。(2015,丹东模拟) ________________________ hang out take care of/look after prepare for Please cut this orange in half. 10.我想下周去旅行。 ________________________ 11.我期待你的答复。(2015,本溪模拟) _________________________ I want to take a trip next week. I look forward to your reply. 写作典例之学校家庭生活 (一)(2014,梅州) 为了使同学们更加健康快乐地成长,学校决定向同学们征求建议。假如你是刘波,请根据下面表格提示,以“Suggestions for a Better School Life”为题,用英语向校长写一封80词左右的建议信。 注意:1.文中应包含所有要点,可适当发挥; 2.语句连贯,不得照搬原文; 3.不能出现真实的校名和姓名; 4.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 give us less homework finish classes on time talk less but more clearly in class make classes more interesting Our teacher organize fewer tests give us more time for sports organize more after-class activities open the library more often Our school 【范文欣赏】 Suggestions for a Better School Life Dear_Headmaster, Im_very_glad_to_write_a_letter_to_you.These_days_we_are_talking_about_how_to_have_a_better_school_life.Here_are_some_of_my_suggestions.First,I_hope_our_school_will open the library more often.Second,I think our school can organize more after-class activities.Next I hope our school will give us more time for sports,art and



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