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2002 6 15 6 China J O thop T auma, Jun 2002, Vol. 15, No. 6 329 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 王予彬 李文锋 王华东 张伟佳 王惠芳 王兵 刘威 侯树勋 ( 1304 , 100037; 2 304 , ) ! 70 : ∀ # 16 3 ; 2 100∃, 130∃, , : 67 , 3 , , , ! ; ; Application of minimal invasive surgical technique in early repair and reconstruction of traffic knee injuries WAN G Yubin, LI Wenf eng, WANG Huadong , et al. Orthop edic Center of PLA of 304th Hosp ital ( ei j ing , 100037) Abstract! Objective T o study the effect and clinical significance of application of minimal invasive su g ical technique fo ea ly epai and econst uction of t affic inju ies of knee joint Methods 70 patients we e t eated ope ativ ely wit h minimal invasive su gical technique. T he su ge y divided into two ty pes: a th oscopic su g e y and a th oscopic assisted su ge y. Results A ll patients we e follow ed up ave agely fo 16 mont hs. T he patients esumed thei o iginal wo k and spo t activit y, and without symptom du ing the follow ingup ex cept t h ee of them, w ho had a complaint afte violent spo ts. RO M of tw o patients was 100 deg ee and that of t he ot he s w as mo e than 130 deg ee. Conclusion A pplication of minimal inv asive su gical technique fo the ea ly epai and econst uction of t affic inju ies of knee joint w ould imp ove g eatly the esults of t he t eatment and avo id the postope ative co mplications, so that the deg ee of disability would be educed and quality of the life w ould imp o ved fo the patients inju ed by t affic accident . Key Words! K nee joint; Wound and inju y; Su gical, ope ative 1 , 25% ~ 70 , 58 , 12 ; 30% , 17~ 49 , 3 1 : [ 1] , , 8 , 39 , 18 , , 5 , 12~ 23 , , , X , , ,


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