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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福口语第二题话题储备 在备考托福口语第二的过程中,我们需要准备一些话题来练习,并 且在新托福口语的考场上用到它,本文智课小编带大家来看一看。 Task 2 1) Do you prefer to work with a group or work alone? 2) Do you prefer to give hand-made gifts, or store-bought gifts? 3) Do you prefer to shop online or go to the real stores to find of things you want? 4) When being confronted with difficult questions, do you prefer to ask instructors or to look for answers online? 5) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that playing computer or video games has negative influence to teenagers? 6) Do you prefer to eat fast food or not? →Do you think eating healthy food is easier now than 40 or 50 years ago? 7) Some people prefer to carry a cell phone with them all the time, but others dont, they even dont own one. Which approach do you prefer and explain why. 8) Some people prefer to go shopping only when they need to buy something. Others like to shop even they dont have certain things to buy. Which one do you prefer? 9) Would you like to buy books or to borrow books from libraries? 10) What do you do if you are overloaded with homework you have to finish it on time? 11) Some people suggest that students should specialize in one subject in college, while other people suggest that students should choose a wide variety of courses. What is your opinion? (选择后者可继续借用吴彦祖的开阔眼界话题) 以上即为托福口语第二题谈资必备储备的详细内容,更多资讯、资 料尽在智课教育托福考试频道,我们将为大家带来更多托福口语复习资 料。


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