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2016 年 第 25 卷 第 7 期 计 算 机 系 统 应 用 ① 智能家居设备电力线链路加密方法 林粤伟 (青岛科技大学 信息科学技术学院, 青岛 266061) (海信集团有限公司 博士后科研工作站, 青岛 266000) 摘 要: 介绍当前智能家居设备互联架构及方式, 论述现有智能家居设备中电力线通信加密方法存在的问题. 提 出一种基于NFC 的电力线通信加密方法, 该方法使用NFC 卡的UID 生成网络密钥并对电力线网络链路进行加密. 实测表明, 该方法较好的解决了现有电力线通信加密存在的问题, 增加了NFC 读卡的便捷性、准确性、稳定性, 具 有较高的安全性, 对外界干扰具有较强的抑制能力. 关键词: 电子技术; 干扰抑制; 近场通信; 智能家居; 电力线通信 Encryption Method of Power Line Links of Intelligent Home Furnishing Devices LIN Yue-Wei (College of Information Science and Technology, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266061, China) (Post-Doctoral Research Center, Hisense Group Co. Ltd., Qingdao 266000, China) Abstract: The interconnect architecture and method of modern intelligent home furnishing devices are introduced. The problems of power line communication’s encryption method in current intelligent home furnishing devices are discussed. A NFC-based encryption method of power line communication is proposed. The NFC card’s UID is used by this method to produce network member key and to complete the encryption process of PLC link. Through actual measurement, the current problems of power line communication’s encryption method is resolved well by the NFC-based method, the convenience, accuracy, and stability levels of NFC card reading process are increased. The method’s safety level is high, and has strong interference restraining ability towards outside interference. Key words: electronic technology; interference restraining; near field communication; intelligent home furnishing; power line communication 引言 技术可以利用电力线进行数据传输[2-7], 既能传输高带 随着电子通信、物联网技术的发展, 智能家居中 宽数据[8], 又能克服 WiFi 的无线信号穿墙能力差而导 的各类智能


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