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# 80# 20061No19
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何仁琪 , 严思杰 , 周云飞
( 11涪陵师范学院, 重庆涪陵 408000; 21华中科技大学国家数控系统工程技术 究中心, 武汉 430074)
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: ; ; ; CAM
: TG76 : A : 1001- 3881 ( 2006) 9- 080- 4
R esearch on Surface NC M achin ing A ccuracy
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HE Renqi , YAN Sijie, HOU Yunfei
( 11Fuling NormalUniversity, Fuling 408000, China; 21NationalEngineering Research Center ofNC
System Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)
A bstrac t: The factorswh ich influence theNC machining accuracy for surface in CAM processw ere analyzed1The methods w ere
approved and researched on m achin ing accuracy by NC codes programm ing, technique system and control system1Resu lts show that
process system characteristics in NC m ach in ing and numerical control system errors are the mi portant factors which influence the NC
m ach in ing accuracy for surface in CAM process1W ay of decreasing errors is purchasing high - accuracy m ach ine tool and num erical
control system in so far as possible, or com e into use technique m eans, or setups offset parameter from detecting systematic errors to
elmi inating errors from auto com pensatory function1 CAM programm ing ism ajor factorswh ich influence the NC m ach in ing accuracy for
surface in CAM process aswel,l m achin ing accuracy for surface can be assured in adopting hom ologous steps from cu tter, processing
m ethod, selecting mode of cutter entry or exit and tool- paths, proving p lann ing tool- paths, and so on1
K eyw ord s: Surface; M ach in ing accuracy; NC m ach ining; CAM
, 111 合理选择刀具