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Dear Child:(亲爱的孩子)I am writing this slow because I know that you cant read fast.(我写的很慢因为我知道你不能读得很快)We dont live where we did when you left home. (当你离家后我们就不住在原来住的地方了)Your dad read in the paper that most accidents happen within 20 miles from your home so we moved.(因为你爸爸在报纸上看到在你家的20英里附近最容易发生交通事故,所以我们搬家了)I wont be able to send you the address, as the last family that lived here took the house numbers when they left so that they wouldnt have to change their address.(我不可以把这里的地址寄给你,因为上一户住过这里的人家走的时候把门牌号码拿走了,因为这样他们就不必改换住址了)This place is real nice. It even has a washing machine.(这个地方真的很好。甚至连洗衣机都有)?Im not sure it works too well though.(尽管我不知道它是否能用)?Last week I put a load of your fathers shirts in, pulled the chain, and havent seen them since.(上周我放了一大堆你父亲的衬衣在里面,....,然后就再也没见过它们)The weather isnt too bad here, it only rained twice last week. (这里的天气也不是太坏,上周只下了两次雨)The first time it rained for three days and the second time for four days.(第一次下了三天,第二次下了四天)The coat you wanted me to send you, your Uncle Steve said it would be a little too heavy to send in the mail with the buttons on, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets.(你要我寄给你的那件外套,你叔叔Steve说如果留着上面的扣子的话就有一点重而没法邮寄给你,所以我们把扣子剪下来,把它们放在衣服的口袋里了)We got another bill from the funeral home. They said if we dont make the last payment on Grandmas grave, up she comes.(我们在殡仪馆又有了一张帐单。他们说如果我们不把奶奶坟墓应付的最后一笔钱付清的话,奶奶就自己来取了)John locked his keys in the car yesterday. We were worried because it took him two hours to get me and Sinead out.(John昨晚把他的钥匙锁在车里了我们很担心因为他用了两个小时把我和Sinead弄出来)Your sister had a baby this morning but I havent found out what it is yet, so I dont know if youre an aunt or an uncle.(你姐姐今天怀孕了,但是我还不知道它是什么,所以我不知道你到底会是个阿姨还是叔叔)If the baby is a girl your sister is going to name it after me; shes going to call it Mom.(如果这个孩子是女孩,你姐姐准备让它与我同名,她准备叫它妈妈)Uncle Pete fell in a whiskey vat last week. (你的peter叔叔上周掉进威士忌大缸里了)Some men tried to pull him out but he fought them off and drowned.(几个男人试图把他拉出来,但是他击退了他们,然后淹没在缸里)?We had him cremated and he burne


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