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工 程 建 设 第 39 卷 第 4 期
22 Engineering construction 2007 年 8 月
( )
文章编号 : 1673 - 8993 2007 04 - 0022 - 04
1 1 2 2
施健农 , 刘建泰 , 马义华 , 朱宝义
( 1 中国石化集团 上海工程有限公司勘察设计院 , 上海 200540 ; 2 山东省
淮河流域水利管理局 , 山东 济宁 272000)
摘 要 : 结合某工程消防水池变形的现场调查成果和场地地基土的分布情况 ,通过对建
筑物及滑坡区的监测变形成果的整理分析 ,重点对引起消防水池开裂漏水的过大变形及其原
因作探讨 ,指出本项 目配套设施消防水池在满荷载作用下 ,将在今后一段时间内其变形仍处
于动态发展阶段 , 旨在为消防水池开裂治理工作提供指导性建议 。
关键词 : 变形 ; 滑坡区; 人类工程活动
中图分类号 : TU 375 文献标识码 : B
Cause analysis of big deformation of a fire reservoir for a project
Shi Jiannong , Liu Jiantai , Ma Yihua , Zhu Baoyi
Abstract : Based on field investigation of fire reservoir deformation of a
project and distribution of site foundation soil , and through analysis on deformation
monitoring result of buildings and landslide area , the big deformation which caused
the cracking and leaking of the fire reservoir and its reasons were discussed
emphatically , it was pointed out that the auxiliary facilities of fire reservoir under
action of full load would be still in dynamic development stage in certain future
period , and instructive suggestions were put forward for prevention of cracking of
fire reservoir
Key words : deformation ; landslip area ; human engineering activity
1 前 言
特征等条件 , 但 同时受地表水 ( 包括大气 降
通常 , 地基土在建筑物基