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2004 11 17 11 Chi a J Orthop T rauma, Nov. 2004, Vol. 17, No. 11 643 蒋位庄, 周卫, 张禄堂, 张世民, 章永东, 李星 ( , 100700) : , : 2 000 , ( ) ( !) ( ∀) ( #) ( ∃) , : 1997- 2002 12 668 , 68% , !90% , ∀69% , #44% , ∃43% 79% 213 94% , : , , , ; ; Standardized study of diagnosis and treatment for discogenic lumbagoleg pain JIAN G Weiz huang , ZH O U Wei, ZHA N G L utang , ZHA N G Shimin , ZH AN G Yongdong, LI Xing . I nstitute of Ortho aedics and Traumatology, China A cademy of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( Beij ing, 100700, China) Abstract Objective:To evaluate the practical sig ifica ce of classificatio of diag osis a d treatme t for discoge ic lumbagoleg pai a d to determi e the i dicatio s of o operative a d operative treatme t w ith tra ditio al chi ese medici e a d ma ipulative methods, accordi g to symptomatic differe tiatio , so as to seek the co tacti g poi t of the i tegrated treatme t of w ester medici e a d T CM. Methods:Based o the experie ced summarizatio of diag osis a d treatme t of 2 000 i patie ts, five pathological types a d sta dard of diag osis a d treatme t were established: disc bulge type( type ) , elast ic her iatio type(type !) , dege erative u sta bility type( type∀) , hyperplasia ste osis type( type #) a d cartilage e dplate rupture type( type ∃) . Four t ypes sy drome of T CM were also formulated based o the pri ciple of treatme t accordi g to sy drome differ e t iat io of T CM, amely type of stag a cy of qi a d blood stasis, type of disturba ce due to wi dcolddamp ess, a d type of deficie cy of liverkid ey. Results: Amo g 668 patie ts, the rate of o operative treatme t w as 68% , out of t hem, type ! w as 90% , type ∀ 69% , type # 44% a d type ∃43% .The markedly effec tive rate treated w ith o operative treatme t of T CM reached 79% . The failed 213 patie ts w ere retreated w ith sur


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