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环球中医药2017年5月第10卷第5期摇 Global Traditional Chinese Medicine,May2017,Vol郾10,No郾5 摇摇 523 ·论著 · 清血八味片中钙离子的含量测定 王宝丽摇 李思茹摇 徐柯心摇 林瑞超 揖摘要铱摇 目的摇 建立清血八味片中钙离子的含量测定方法。 方法摇 采用化学鉴别法进行清血 八味片的钙盐与硫酸盐的鉴别反应;分别对清血八味片样品的处理方法及测定方法进行考察;将样 品经炭化后灰化,采用乙二胺四乙酸二钠络合滴定法测定钙离子含量。 结果摇 确定样品最佳处理 条件:在调压电炉上炭化 1小时至炭化完全后,置于马弗炉中在700 ~800益下灰化6小时;测定方 法的重复性试验RSD值为0郾32%(n=6),加样回收率为98.67% ~101.25%,RSD值为0郾97%(n= 6),均符合定量分析要求;3批清血八味片样品的钙离子含量分别为17.40%、19郾34%及20郾69%。 结论摇 该方法操作简便,准确,重复性好,可用于清血八味片中钙离子的含量测定。 揖关键词铱摇 清血八味片;摇 寒水石;摇 石膏;摇 钙离子;摇 含量测定 揖中图分类号铱摇 R284.1摇 揖文献标识码铱摇 A摇 doi:10郾3969/ j郾issn郾1674鄄1749郾2017郾05郾003 Content determination of calcium in Qingxue Bawei Pill摇 WANG Baoli,LI Siru,XU Kexin,et al. 摇 Beijing Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Evaluation,School of Chinese Pharmacy, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100102,China Corresponing author:LIN Ruichao,E鄄mail:linrch307@ 揖Abstract铱摇 Objective摇 To establish the method for content determination of calcium in Qingxue Bawei Pill. Methods摇 To detect calcium salt and sulfate by chemical identification method. The sample treatment methods and determination method were studied respectively. Samples were charred and incinerated to ash,and the content of calcium was determined by EDTA complex metric titration method. Results摇 The optimal processing conditions were 2鄄step heating:carbonized 1 hour on the electric stove, incinerated6 hours under the700 ~800益 in the muffle furnace. The RSD value of the repeatability was 0.32%(n=6),the recovery was 98.67% ~101.25% with RSD of 0.97% (n=6). They all met the demands of quantitative analysis. The content of calcium in three batches of Qingxue Bawei Pill was 17郾40%, 19. 34%, 20. 69% respectively. Conclusion摇 The method was simple, accurate and reproducible. It can be usedfor the content determination of calcium in Qingxue Bawei Pill. 揖Key wo



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