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安徽农业大学学报, 2011, 38(4): 543-545
Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
[DOI]CNKI:34-1162/S1628.031 网络出版时间:2011-06-24 16:28:53
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薛正帅 ,蔡新玲 ,肖正东 ,刘俊龙 ,陈素传 ,傅松玲
(1. 安徽农业大学林学与园林学院,合肥 230036 ;2. 安徽省林业科学研究院,合肥 230031)
摘 要:采用Li-6400 型便携式光合测定系统对自然条件下省沽油的光合特性进行研究。结果表明,省沽油夏季光
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合日变化呈双峰型,有明显的“午休”现象。其峰值出现在 9:30 和 13:30。省沽油叶片的光饱和点为 1 350 μmol·m ·s ,
光补偿点为43 μmol·m-2·s-1 ,表观量子效率为0.062 μmol·m-2·s-1 。省沽油的光合特性表现为较耐荫的阳性植物。
中图分类号:S718.45 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672−352X (2011)04−0543−03
Preliminary study on the photosynthetic characteristics of Staphylea bumalda in summer
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XUE Zheng-shuai , CAI Xin-ling , XIAO Zheng-dong , LIU Jun-long ,CHENG Su-chuan , FU Song-ling
(1. School of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, Anhui Agricultural University , Hefei 230036;
2. Anhui Academy of Forestry Sciences, Hefei 230031)
Abstract: We studied the photosynthetic characteristics of Staphylea bumalda under the natural condition using
Li-6400 portable photosynthesis measurement system. The results showed that the curve of diurnal variation of photo-
synthesis presented two peaks at 9:30 and 13:30 respectively in a sunny day with a remarkable noon inhibition. The
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light saturation and compensation points of Staphylea bumalda were about 1 350 and 43 μmol·m ·s , respectively. The