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摇 第38卷第10期 煤 炭 科 学 技 术 Vol郾38摇 No郾10摇
摇 2010年 10月 Coal Science and Technology Oct.摇 2010摇
吴建亭, 陈星明, 夏摇 紧
(平顶山天安煤业股份有限责任公司 四矿, 河南 平顶山摇 467093)
摘摇 要: 通过井下实测矿井热环境参数和矿井岩体温度, 分析了矿井地热灾害原因, 结合具体条件
提出了适合平顶山天安煤业股份有限责任公司四矿深井热害治理方案, 即利用井筒淋水一次性水排
热的局部制冷降温方案, 介绍了矿井降温系统的工作原理、 配备及其运行情况, 并对深井降温系统
降温效果进行了研究与分析。 结果表明, 掘进工作面温度降低了6 ~8 益, 最高温度控制在26郾2
益, 这将有益于降低我国掘进工作面温度, 消除矿井热害。
关键词: 移动制冷机; 深井降温; 井筒淋水; 降温效果
中图分类号: TD67摇 摇 摇 文献标志码: A摇 摇 摇 文章编号:0253-2336 (2010) 10-0086-03
Research and Application of Mobile Refrigerator to
Deep Mine Temperature Reduction
WUJian鄄ting,CHEN Xing鄄ming, XIA Jin
(No郾4 Mine,Pingdingshan Tianan CoalMining CorporationLtd. ,Pingdingshan摇 467093,China)謘
Abstract:With the mine site measured hot environment parameters and the mine site measured rock temperatures in the underground
mine,thecauseoftheminegroundheatdisasterwasanalyzed. Incombinationwiththecertainconditions,adeepmineheatdisastercon鄄
trol plan suitable toNo郾4 Minewasprovidedandtheplanwouldapplythewatersprayinginthemineshaftasthedisposableheatreleasing
with water for the local refrigeration and temperature reduction plan. The paper introduced theworking principle,equipment applied and
operation condition of the mine temperature reduction system. The paper had a study and analysis on the temperature reduction effect of
the deep mine temperature reduction system. The results showed that the temperature of the coal mining face could be reduced by6 to 8
益 and the max temperature of thecoal miningfacecouldbecontrolledat25 to27 益. Thusthe systemwouldbebeneficialtoreducethe
temperature at the mine roadway heading faces in China and to eliminate the mine heat disaster.
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