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第十五讲 Metaphor的翻译 一、教学目的:了解和掌握修辞的翻译方法。 二、教学过程: Metaphor 这里指广义上的修辞figurative speech. 也就是,不仅指它的本义denotation,也指它的转义connotation. 如以下例句: The girl murmured her thanks. 她轻声道了声谢。 It is a long story with many ands. 这故事说来话长,包括许多细节。 They cap when they pass the dean. 他们路遇系主任时,脱帽以示敬意。 A narrow trail snakes between the trees. 一条窄径在林中蜿蜒向前。 He pocketed all the profits. 他侵吞了所有的利润。 Shanghai mirrors the development and character of China.上海反映了中国的发展和现状。 When a surviving ship’s officer was later asked whether “women and children first” was the captain’s rule or the rule of the sea, he replied that it was the rule of human nature. 后来有人问一幸存的该船官员:“妇女与儿童优先”是船长的规定还是航海的规矩。他答道,这是人性的准则。Parallelism There are teachers and teachers. = There are good teachers and bad teachers. 误译:世上有许许多多的老师 / 正确:世上有好老师也有坏老师。 她就是这样风里来,雨里去,成年累月地工作着。 This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year around. 人言鼎沸: Many people talk together and the noise they make is like the bubbling of water boiling in a cauldron.( 大锅炉) 面有菜色:Hungry-looking; look famished. 面黄肌瘦 Trigger 一词。本义是:扣动扳机。但是其转义“发动;引起;促使”可以被用得非常生动形象。 The investigation was triggered several months ago.调查是几个月前开始的。 The tragic chain of events was triggered off.引起了一连串悲惨事件。 In classroom discussion Mary is always quick on the trigger.课堂讨论时,玛丽总是反应很快。 Certain foods trigger the desire to eat more, while others tend to suppress that desire. 有些食物能激起你的食欲,而有些却让你胃口难开。 Metaphor 的翻译原则: 1. 保留原文里的形象, 即find an equivalent image.如: There are seasons of the heart. There are seasons in our lives, just as there are seasons to all of nature. These seasons cannot be forced any more than one can force the coming of spring by pulling at tender blades of grass to make them grow. It took me a while to understand. 心有四季。 生活也有四季,就如自然界万物都有春夏秋冬一样。四季无法人为地加以改变, 就如同一个人无法用拔苗助长的方法令春天到来。 我经过好一阵子才懂得了这点。 The police who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a volcano. 那年夏天,在城市大贫民区巡逻的警察如同坐在火山口上。 Savored the beauty of the Texas countryside/ taste success. 2. 实行翻译的


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