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32 11 V ol32, No11 20 10 11 Journal of Y ichun Colleg e Nov2010 英文报纸国际政治新闻报道中的名词化研究 邵 红 (玉溪师范学院外国语学院, 云南 玉溪 653100) * : 名词化结构是系统功能语言学中语法隐喻的一个 要特征根据韩礼德 13 种语法隐喻中的 5种名 词化结构, 以随机选取的 25篇英文报纸国际政治新闻报道为研究对象, 通过对名词化的出现频率及特征进行分 析和统计, 我们发现: 动词名词化出现频率最高, 主要是因为其可以实现新闻语篇的简洁化客观化正式化和 语义扩张的功能; 形容词名词化出现频率次之, 主要实现客观化和简洁化的功能; 介词名词化连词名词化及无 人称形式转换为 个体名词化的出现频率极少 : 国际政治新闻报道; 名词化; 语法隐喻 : H3 159 : A : 1671- 380X ( 2010) 11- 0186- 03 Explorations into Nom inalization in International Political N ew s R eports in English New spapers SHAO H ong (Schoo l of F ore ig n lang uag es, Yux iN orm al Un iv ersity, Yux i 653100, Ch ina ) Abstract: Nom inalization i one of the e ential characteri tic of gramm aticalm etaphor in y tem ic- functional lingu i tic H alliday cla ifie gramm aticalm etaphor into th irteen type , five of wh ich are nom inalization A tati tical analy i of the di tribution and fea tu re of five type of nom inalization in 25 international political new report in Engli h new paper, w hich are cho en at random, i conducted in th i paperThe tati tical re u lt reveal that the nom inalization of verb occur them o t frequently to perform the function of conc i ene , ob jectiv ity, formality and em antic expan ion; the nom inalization of adjectiv e occur le frequently m ain ly to per form the function of ob jectiv ity and conc i ene ; and the nom inalization of prepo ition , conjunction and zero occur rarely K ey words: international political new report; nom inalization; gramm atical metaphor , ,


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