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College students for professional practice activities holidays advantage analysis
College students for professional practice activities holidays advantage analysis
Abstract: The employment rate among college students in today’s difficult circumstances, to ease the employment pressure, so that the employment of college graduates more quickly to change the status of students in school, they become urgent. In this paper, higher vocational colleges, for example, combined with common institutions of higher learning of students during the holidays and the role of professional practice were discussed.
Keywords:: college students; holidays; professional practice
With the college enrollment in recent years, graduates of the difficult problem of employment has become increasingly prominent. I think that a reasonable use of the holidays, professional practice to promote student employment plays an important role. I intended to vocational colleges, for example, in common with colleges and universities, some of this.
Analysis of the status quo
(A) the external environment
With the popularization of higher education in China into the stages of education, each year millions of graduates enter the job market. According to statistics, the total number of college graduates in China in 2007 reached 4.7 million, while employment in that year is not as high as more than 100 million Chinese college graduates in 2008 a total of more than 500 million people than a net increase of more than 30 million in 2007, in jobs did not increase in the relative circumstances, the employment pressure can be imagined.
(B) the family environment
The parents of today’s college students the basic born in the early 60s of the last century, due to traditional thinking, some people have not yet clearly recognized that the status of higher education in China. Along with education, the introduction of market mechanisms, the high investment in education has become the general importance of the family expenses. Therefore, we have reason to believe that every pare
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