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: 1002-9826( 200 1) 09-00 12-04 200 1( 37) 9 C HIN A SPO RT SCIEN CE AN D T ECHN O L O GY V ol 37 N o 9, 200 1 西北少数民族传统体育的项群分类及其特征 The Characteristics and Classif ication of Items on Traditional Sports f or N orthwest Minority , L U Pi ng-sheng , Y AN G Lan-sheng  : 通过文献资料调研、田野实证等方法, 对西北少数民族传统体育进行了调查。 研究 果 表明,西北多民族文化孕育出了以嬉戏娱乐、竞技能力、配合节庆习俗的 3大民族体育项群 ,不 同性质的项群又分为 构不同的亚类项目,构成了一种寓意深刻的独特的文化表达方式,反映 出不同民族社会历史和文化变迁的轨迹。 建立科学、规范、健康的民族传统体育项目指标体系, 使其相互借鉴与移植,体现西北民族体育人文精神的价值所在。 : 西北; 少数民族;传统体育; 项群; 特征; 中国 Abstract: Thro ugh u sing the m eth ods of do cum enta ry and f ield demon stra tio n , the author m akes an inv estiga tio n on traditional spor t s f o r no r th w est mino ri ty The result show s th a t the re a re three m aj or minority spo rt s item s inclu ding enter tainm ent , comp etitive ability a nd f estiva l activ - ity de riving fro m nor thw est multi-natio na lity culture The item s w ith diff er ent speciali zatio n is also divided into diff er ent sub -item s w hich co nsisting uniqu e cultur e ex pressio n and r eflecting the histo ry a nd cultur e ch anging o f diff erent natio nal so cialism The pur po se o f this stu dy is to establish scientif ic and standa rdize na tional traditional spor t s index sy stem , and m akes them use f or ref e rence each o ther, exhibit s the v alu e of hum anism spirit f or nor thw est national spo rt s : ; ; ; ; ; Key w ords nor th west


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