
Deepening the use of career anchor theory of Vocational Employment Guide.doc

Deepening the use of career anchor theory of Vocational Employment Guide.doc

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Deepening the use of career anchor theory of Vocational Employment Guide

Deepening the use of career anchor theory of Vocational Employment Guide Paper Keywords: career anchor career planning and career guidance Abstract: Theories of career anchor theory of career planning is an important part of career planning career anchor is the foundation and core. In the face of vocational college graduates severe employment situation, the use of career anchor theory to help students self-positioning and guide students to a reasonable professional orientation to help students break the traditional concept of employment and improve their professional competence, improving the mode of employment guidance on employment guidance Vocational deepening of great significance. In recent years, along with the rapid development of higher vocational education, vocational graduates in accounting for the total number of college graduates increased year by year the proportion of 2009 graduates nationwide 6ll million college graduates in nearly 300 million have higher . and vocational graduates than ever before, increasing competition, as well as by the global financial crisis, a shrinking job market, leading to higher graduate employment situation is very serious. Therefore, the face of the current situation of vocational colleges How to support the national policy guidance, emancipate our minds, explore new ideas, take effective measures to deepen the Employment Vocational guidance has become imperative. College Students with the current prevalence of self-perception is inaccurate, uncertain career goals, choose the career path at a loss and so on. I think that the deepening of Employment Vocational guidance should be the focus of the work carried out education, career planning, career anchor theory theory of career planning is an important part of career anchor is the basis for career planning and core, thus deepening the use of career anchor theory of employment guidance Vocational great significance, but also work towards Vocational Career Guidan


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