Difficult employment for graduates from higher vocational colleges awareness of the problem and thinking.doc
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Difficult employment for graduates from higher vocational colleges awareness of the problem and thinking
Difficult employment for graduates from higher vocational colleges awareness of the problem and thinking
[Abstract] graduates from higher vocational colleges are many reasons for difficulties in finding employment, and colleges and universities to set unreasonable professional, undergraduate institutions, graduate enrollment led to a major cause of difficulties in finding employment; curriculum into line with market demand can not be backward, as well as graduates The career outlook is not clear is the key factor. China’s higher education is experiencing from elite education to mass education transformation rising number of university students in school. Difficult employment of college graduates have been highlighted as one of China’s current social problems, we should arouse sufficient knowledge and reflection.
[Keywords:] vocational institutions; employment difficulties; awareness; Thinking
China’s existing vocational schools are mostly from middle vocational schools made on the basis of upgrading, in the school conditions, school level and so there is a serious ‘congenitally deficient,’ The problem is especially difficult for graduate employment, resulting in the cause of the problem mainly in the following areas:
1, vocational colleges professional setting and fast-changing market demand relatively dislocation
Many vocational and technical colleges have not yet completely free of the planned economy way of thinking, should not be considered in the professional set up on the needs of the market for talent, but so on, rely on government instructions, and used up for anything and hope that the Government introduced a policy to protect the school, look forward to a higher level administrative means to address market economic conditions, employment, enrollment issues, so that schools, loss of vigor and vitality. And some schools to offer new professional for fashion, mutual competition to see who is more open, a look at the needs of society, regardless of thei
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