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2 009 5 May 2 009
2 1 3 Journ al of Cap it al In st itut e of Phy sical E du cat ion V ol . 21 N o. 3
Analysis on the movement training study college major teaching
practice function research
1 2
1 2
ZH ANG Yiqin g H U ANG Shup ing
: 3 52 3
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: G 807. 0 : 10092 783X( 2009) 032 03672 04 : A
Abstract:T hr ou gh t o th e Beij in g three un iver sit ies in 523 movement tr ain ing stu dy sp e2
cialized b ig three big four lev els of undergradu at e stu dent s car ries on th e r elat ed t each in g
pract ice aspect th e qu est ionn air e surv ey. Th e inv est igat ion present t each ing pract ice w ill
b e en gaged in th e sport s edu cat ion pr ofession t o t he n ext sport s edu cat ion college major
th e in flu ence. Th e f indin g s indicat ed th at th is exp eriment al group an d th e control gr oup
student s in t he t each in g pr act ice in it ial st age will b e en gaged in th e sp ort s t eaching r e2
gar ding the t each ing pr act ice t o th e present th e mann er an d does n ot h ave th e differ ence.
A ft er th e pract ice h ad ended un der goes th e t each in g pract ice th e stu dent h as n ot b een
obviou sly more p osit ive th an r egardin g th e work t each ing pr act ices student . Thr ou gh the
SEM model ex amin at ion demon strat ed th e t each in g pr act ice may affect stu dent s ant ici2
pat ed occupat ion sat isfact ion feelin g an d be employ ed
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