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(2014)届本科生学年论文 题 目 论欧阳修抒情散文的特色 专 业 汉语言文学 院 系 文学与对外汉语学院 学 号 1001040152 姓 名 徐 敏 指 导 教 师 袁津琥 教授 成 绩 2014年4月 论欧阳修抒情性散文的特色 学 生:徐 敏 指导老师:袁津琥 摘 要:中国传统文化发展到宋代,又达到了高度繁荣的新的质变点,古今学者在这方面都有明确论述。南宋朱熹在《楚辞后语》中说:“国朝文明之盛,前世莫及。”[1] 陈寅恪先生对宋代文化的高度评价更是耳熟能详:“华夏民族之文化,历数千载之演进,造极于赵宋之世,后渐衰微,终必复振。”[2]在学术思想文化界诸派林立、百家争鸣的繁荣背景下,欧阳修是北宋前期最早升起的一颗文化巨星。他作为当时文坛盟主,领导了宋代的古文运动,奠定了宋代散文的群体风格。欧阳修的散文各体兼备,一生写有五百余篇散文,今存《欧阳文忠公集》,有政论文、史论文、记事文、抒情文和笔记文等。他的散文无论议论抒情、状物斜井、记事怀人,都能写得明白晓畅,曲折有致,成为宋文新风格的典范。本论文对欧阳修的抒情性散文的特色进行了深入探究,从其抒情性散文的高雅的意境美,多情的阴柔美,简而有法的语言技巧,妙丽古雅的虚字运用四个特色分别叙述了欧阳修这类文章的成功之处。 关键词:欧阳修 抒情散文 意境美 阴柔美 语言技巧 虚字 A Study on Characteristics of OuYangxiu's lyrical prose Undergraduate:Xu Min Supervisor:Yuan Jinhu Abstract: Chinese traditional culture developed to the Song Dynasty, and reached a new qualitative point of highly prosperous, and in this respect, ancient and modern scholars have explicitly discoursed in. Song Zhu Xi in the Songs of the South after the word, said: Sheng country toward civilization, past and Mo.[1]S Research on highly of the Song Dynasty culture is familiar: culture of the Chinese nation, listing the evolution of golden, made ??a very in conservatory of the world, after gradually decline, revival will end.[2]Ideological and cultural Zhupai academic buildings, contending prosperity under the background of the early Northern Song Ouyang Xiu was first raised a cultural superstar. He was literary as chief, led the literary movement in the Song Dynasty, the group laid the prose style of the Song Dynasty. Ouyang Xiu various bodies of both prose, and his hundreds of articles written five essays, this deposit, Ouyang Wenzhong set, there are political essays, history papers, notes, text, and notes Shuqing Wen Wen and so on. Wh


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