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It’s been scientifically proven that a baby’s gender is genetically determined. But until now many people have been lured in deep by some cheats who claim to help select a baby’s gender. It sounds ridiculous. Right? Let’s listen to the whole story.
Words and Expressions:snap up: to take or buy quickly and eagerly 攫夺,争购
prenatal: adj. BrE. (AmE. antenatal )? happening or existing before birth 出生前的,胎儿期的
tinker: v. to try to repair without useful results
The proof is in the pudding: This sentence is evolved from an idiom “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” It means “You won’t really know whether something is good until you try it.” kit: a set of articles, esp. tools, needed for a certain kind of work, or for a particular purpose 成套用具(或工具、物件、器材)
tally: v. to calculate (points won, a total, an account, etc); count 数;计算(得分等)
fertility:n. the condition of being productive 肥沃;多产
odds: n. the probability that something will or will not happen 差额;可能性
patent: n. a piece of writing from a government office giving someone the right to make or sell a new invention for a certain number of years 专利,专利权
conceive: v. to become pregnant with (a child) 开始怀胎儿
Proper namesP. T. Barnum:Phineas Taylor Barnum (July 5, 1810 – April 7, 1891) United States showman who popularized the circus
Patent Office: 专利局
Page 2 Listen for the main ideaListen to the news lead and fill in the missing words below.
We close the week with an interesting conception: couples are snapping up products that claim to help select a baby’s gender. Can these products really do that? Boy has CBS’s Cynthia Bowers got news for you. It’s our Friday Consumer Alert=alert investigation.
Page 3 Listen for major informationListen to the news and do the following multiple-choice exercise (There may be more than one answer.).sdfasdf
1.According to the news, Veronica Moister?A.is sure that she is giving birth to a baby boy.B.is sure that she is giving birth to a baby girl.C.she is not su
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