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学习爱上问学堂——中国领先的教育 B2C平台。 商务英语口语之应聘会计师(实用) 应聘会计师 会计师事务所提供的服务包括有:成立公司、会计、核算、评估、税务咨询(包括税务调查 和实地审查)、公司清盘。事务所的专业人士有:注册会计师、税务师、资产评估师、房地 产估价师和选价工程师,都在会 计 、 审 计 、 经 济 、 税 务 、 工 程 等 方 面具有 丰富的专业知识和工作经验。 BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达 1) Iforgot toinclude myexperience as an accountant inmyresume. 我忘记在我的个人简历里写上我的会计经历了。 2)The professionalEnglish courseis justEnglish foraccounting. 我的专业英语就是会计英语。 3) Ibelieve Ican have a promising career with thedevelopment ofthis company. 我相信随着公司的发展,我的事业也会大有前途的。 4) Ihave passedthe five courses required bythe ChineseCPAAssociation. 我已经通过了中国注册会计师协会所要求的五门课程。 5) I抦 engaged inaccounting. 我从事会计行业。 6) Can younamesome of the courses you completedinrelation toaccounting? 你能说出几门你学过的和会计有关的课程吗? 7)This balance sheet contains three majorsections, that is, assets, liabilities and owner 抯 equity. 这张资产负债表包含三个主要部分,那就是资产、负债和所有者净资产值。 ☺☞英语老师不想告诉你的网站☜ 学习爱上问学堂——中国领先的教育 B2C平台。 8)The creditor 抯 equity isthe same as liabilities. 债权人的净资产值就是负债。 CONVERSATIONS 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 I:Come in, please. A:Goodmoring, Mrs Smith. I:Goodmoring. You are Mr.Sun, aren抰 you? Takea seat, please. A:Yes,thankyou. I: I 抳e noticed from your resume that you majored in accounting at Peking University. Will you please tell me somethingabout your related courses? A: In the first academic year we learned Principles of Accounting, and in the following years we learned Cost Accounting, Commercial Accounting, Industrial Accounting, and Mangagement Accounting. I:Have youtakenAccountingforDecision-Making andControl? A: No, we haven抰 takensuch a course, but we have takena more specializedcourse fordecision making, bythe name ofForecasting andDecision-Making. I:From your school report card, Ican see you didwell in every course. But our advertisement says weneed anaccountant withpractical workexperience. A: I forgot toinclude my experience as an ac


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