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518 2007 15 6 China J ournal of Healt h P sy chology 2007, V ol 15, N o . 6 ¹ º ¹ º » 张厚粲  王 力 考察嚼口香糖对 个体学习和记忆的影响。以小学生为对象进行了两 个集体性实验 究, 实验 一用修订韦 氏记忆量表中的故事回忆分测验为材料, 考查在学习和回忆阶段嚼或不嚼口香糖所产生的不同效应; 实验二考查嚼口香糖对 个 体字词和算术测试的影响。嚼口香糖对 个体的短时记忆有积极影响, 并且在学习和回忆阶段均嚼口香糖时学习成绩最 佳; 但当学习阶段不嚼, 只在长时记忆的回忆阶段嚼口香糖时, 则未发现明显的效应。在数学和字词测验的考试成绩上, 两 个处 理组之间没有显著差异。嚼口香糖对 个体的短时记忆有积极的影响, 对长时记忆的影响不明显。  嚼口香糖; 学习; 记忆 Eff ects of Chewing Gum on Learning and Memory. Zhang H oucan, Wang L i. School of Psy chology , B eij ing N or mal Univ er si- ty , B eij ing 100875 , P . R . China A bstract Obj ectiveT o ex amine the eff ect of chew ing gum on learning and memory . MethodsT w o ex perim ents in elemen- tary schoo l in Bei ing w ere co nducted . In ex periment 1, the sub ects w er e randomly assigned to four gr oups of diff erent treat- ments, r ef er ring to w hether they w er e chew ing gum or no t at the tim e of learning or recall . Stor y Compr ehensio n subt est o f W ech - sler M emory Scale- CR w as u sed as the learning material . In experiment 2, sub ects w ere random ly assig ned t o tw o g roups ref er- ring to w hether chew ing gum or not at the time o f testing . A math t est and a vocabular y t est w er e used as the testing material . 5 , Results I n minut es delayed r ecall task participants w ith chew ing gum in bo th lear ning and r ecall sessio ns o utper form ed t he other g roups; and par ticipants w ho received gum treatment in learning session out perfor med those w ho did not ; consistent treat- ment gr oups outper formed inconsistent tr eatm ent gr oup s. In 24 hours delayed r ecall task , no signif icant diff er ence betw een t he per formances of diff erent gr oup s w as found . Results o f ex periment 2 show ed that


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