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從海外看圖書館自動化與人性化 王行仁 Andrew H. Wang Executive Director OCLC Asia Pacific Services New Initiatives Dublin, Ohio, U.S.A. wanga@ Chasing the Sun South Australian Health Services Libraries Consortium (SAHSLC) Crippled Children’s Association Dept. of Human Services Drug and Alcohol Services Council Julia Farr Services Lyell McEwin Health Service Campus Modbury Public Hospital Noarlunga Health Service Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Health Service Repatriation General Hospital Royal Adelaide Hospital/Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Royal District Nursing Service Women’s and Children’s Hospital South West Information for Clinical Effectiveness (SWICE)—U.K. North Bristol NHS Trust Weston Area Health NHS Trust Royal United Hospital NHS Trust, Bath Severn NHS Trust East Gloucestershire NHS Trust Royal Free Hospital, London Challenge: Globalization View availability… Do you have any Questions? OCLC Online Computer Library Center * A worldwide library cooperative OCLC Online Computer Library Center 引言:圖書館與科技 圖書館是科技的產物: 1. 文字,書寫和印刷工具,紙張 2. 石頭,龜甲,竹簡,水泥牆壁 圖書館的五個基本功能: 1. 選擇和採購適當的資訊 2. 有序地整理資訊 3. 提供讀者服務 4. 編列預算提供經費 5. 為後代保存文明的紀錄 二十一世紀還需要圖書館嗎? 沒有普世的標準: 1. 一個人的美食,另外一個人的毒物 2. 找出人性的最大公約數 3. 參照各國的國情和文化 甚麽是人性化? 克服時間和空間的限制 給人類提供方便 克服語言的障礙 How are you? 怎麽 是 你? How old are you? 怎麽 老 是 你? 給人類提供方便 防範人性的弱點 撕頁 雅賊 盜用 提升人類的能力 克服時間和空間的限制 – Using OCLC QuestionPoint 面對法律和政治的約束 “你若不能打倒他們, 就和他們合作!“ Open WorldCat 結語 “飛行常客優惠計劃” 謝謝!請多指教Thank you! OCLC services and governance have been closely related since OCLC’s founding. In OCLC’s annual report, you will find statement at the beginning of the financial section that says the following: OCLC is a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization whose public purposes of furthering access to the world’s information and reducing library costs dominate its plans and activities. In support of these purposes, OCLC strives to maintain a strong financial base by operating in a business-li