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Lecture 3 Review: Lecture 2 Chapter 1 1.3 Formats for letters, memos, and e-mail messages 信函、备忘录、电子邮件格式 Printed stationery 印制的信笺 Letterhead Logo of your company Name of your company Mailing address postal code Method of contact: telephone, fax, and e-mail Internet address Registration number or office address Prentice Hall Financial Times Prentice Hall Edinburgh Gate 徽标 Harlow, Essex 公司名称 CM 20 2JE UNITED KINGDOM 地址 Mobile Phone specialists Tel +44 114 2871122 Fax +44 114 2871123 Email TurnerComm@intl.uk www.pearsoned.co.uk 联系方式 Task1.1 Design a Letterhead for our university printed stationery. ST/PJ -档号(作者/打字员姓名的首写字母,有时为归档编号) 12Novermber 2009 – 日期(日/月/年或月/日/年) Mr. Alan Hill General Manager 信内地址(姓名、头衔、公司名称 Long Printing Co Ltd 公司地址、邮政编码。给国外写 34 Wood Lane 信时要上方标明是航空邮AIRMAIL London 中间空一行 WC1 8TJ 空两行 Dear Mr. Hill – Salutation称呼语 空一行 SUBJECT LINE标题(标示信函主题) Body -the main text 信函正文 空两行 Yours sincerely –Complimentary close结尾客套语 空四-五行(签名) SHIRLY TAYLOR (发件人姓名) Training Specialist –发件人头衔或部门 空两行 Enc – Enclosure附件 空一行 Copies -如有副本抄送他人,要标注(如抄送者不止一人,则按姓氏字母排序) 1. Letterhead 2. Reference Number 3. Inside Address 4. Subject Line 5. Salutation 6. Opening Sentence 7. Body (Main Text) Continuation Pages Information on the continuation pages: page number 页码 Reference 档号 date 日期 name of addressee 收件人姓名 Rules for the continuation pages: There should be at least 3 to 4 lines break between the addressee’ name and the main text At least 3 to 4 lines of main text on the new page New page and new paragraph Task1.2 Describe the layout of a formal business letter to your partner. Parts of A Business Letter Reference 档号 CY/SX CY/sx Date 日期 日/月/年 或 月/日/年 Inside address 信内地址(指收件人地址) Salutation称呼语 Heading 标题 Body 正文 Complimentary close 信尾客套语 Signature 签名 Name of sender and designation 发件人姓名与头衔 Enclosures 附件 Copies


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