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李惠斌1 宋国栋2
1 山东临沂市人民医院烧伤整形外科研究所 山东临沂市人民医院烧伤整形二科(山东 临沂 276003);
2 山东大学附属济南市中心医院烧伤科 (山东 济南 250014)
摘 要 目的:制作一种带烤灯的烧伤保护支架,探讨其在Ⅱ度烧伤患者中的应用价值。方法:烧伤烤灯护架为n形护架体,其顶面前侧设活动观察板,侧板内侧上端有数个烤灯,烤灯连接有调节控制面板和电源插头。选取大面积Ⅱ度需行创面暴露治疗烧伤的患者120例,随机分为常规治疗(对照组)及烧伤烤灯护架辅助治疗(护架组)各60例,观察患者治疗情况并进行比较。结果:该普及型烧伤烤灯护架在创面暴露治疗中,可以使局部温度恒定,暴露创面干燥效果好,能保持所需治疗体位,便于医护操作,使用方便;护架组20d烧伤创面愈合率明显大于对照组(P0.01)。结论: 该普及型烧伤护架烤灯,制作工艺简单、操作简单,应用效果好;在常规治疗基础上,其对预防感染、促进创面愈合极为有利,很适合基层广泛应用,是一种很好的烧伤整形外科辅助治疗工具。
关键词 烧伤创面;护架;烤灯;创面暴露
The making of a popular type protect framework by roast lamp for burn and experience of application.
Li Huibin
Research Institute of Burn & Plastic Surgery Peoples Hospital of Linyi Linyi, Shandong, 276000, China )Abstract Objective: To make protect framework by roast lamp for burn and discuss the value on the healing of II degree severely burned patients. Methods: The protect framework by roast lamp for burn were made by “n” shape protect framework、active observation board、roast lamp、adjusting control panel and attaching plug. 120 burned patients were enrolled in the study and randomly divided into the control group (n=60) and protect framework group (n=60), the healing of II degree severely burned patients in two groups were observed and alsoanalyzed. Results: The protect framework by roast lamp for burn in exposed way for treating deep burn wounds can keep the temperature constant、wound exposure and easy to operating The burn wound surface healing rate was significantly higher in the observed group than that in the control group (P0.01). Conclusion: The popular type protect framework by roast lamp is easy to make;Based on comprehensive treatments ,It can promote healing of II degree burn wound ,It is one of considerable tool for burn and plastic surgery.
Key words Burn wound;Protect framework;Roast lamp;Surface of wound to exposure