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1. 具有船艦造型,並擁有8 大展廳的國立海洋科技博物館主題 館 ,昨天(26)正式開館,行政院長江宜樺表示,基隆的海科 館與屏東的海生館, 並列教育部最重要的三級海洋教育機構 , 他也期待 2017 年海科館將完成全亞洲最大的水族館,讓臺灣 人 能更加認識海洋文化。 With ship shape and eight major exhibition halls, the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology (NMMST) officially opened yesterday. Premier Jiang Yi Hua said that Keelung and Pingtung’s National Museum of Marine Biology Aquarium (NMMBA), tied for the most important level three marine educational institutions. He also expected that Asia ’s largest aquarium of NMMST will be completed in 2017 so that Taiwanese can become more aware of marine culture. 2.前民主進步黨 主席蔡英文昨 天(26)呼籲,政府應該 立即停 止修改高中課綱;教育部國教署副署長黃新發表示,配合十二 年國教,各學科課綱持續微調,歷史課綱也會在憲法架構下微 調,不會有太多偏離 ,而且課綱只提供教學現場基本準則和概 念,另外有課程編制、教材教法與教學實施,由教師依專業訂 定課程目標和系統化教學,他認為,教學自主應該回歸教師。 Former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairwoman Tsai Ing Wen called on the government to stop revising senior high school curriculum. Deputy Director of Department of Elementary Education Huang Hsin Fa said that the curriculum of all subjects will be subjected to fine tuning in coordination with the twelve-year basic education. The curriculum of history will also be fine-tuned under the framework of the Constitution instead of drifting apart. In addition, the curriculum only provides basic teaching guidelines and concepts . Curriculum development, teaching methods and teaching materials implemented in class should be in accordance with the goals and systematic teaching set by professional teachers . He said that teaching autonomy should be returned to teachers. 3.臺 北市勞動局將於2月 5號 起 ,受理失業勞工子女下學期就 學補助申請,勞動局長陳業鑫表示,申請人只要符合設籍臺 北 市,非自願離職失業未滿6個月 ,101度家庭綜合所得總額在 114萬元以下 ,有子女就讀國內高中職或大專校院,而且沒有 領其他政府單位提供的就學補助或學雜費減免者,可提出申請。 Taipei City Labor Bureau will accept applications for grants of children of unemployed workers next semest


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