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专 业 硕 士 学 位 论 文
The Marketing Strategy Research of Dalian TPY Department Store
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学科、专业 :
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摘要:二十世纪九十年代初期,中国居民的收入在不断增加,但是与居民生活密切相关的零售业却发展缓慢。在这种情况下,中国政府于1992年开始有限度地放开国内零售业市场,中国大陆的各大城市里,开始陆续的出现了外资的零售业商店。中国加入WTO之后,各行各业的市场环境都在发生巨大变化,零售业的变革可以说是天翻地覆。在这种情况下,作为零售业里较为活跃的时尚百货业也根据市场的变化,逐步调整了自己的营销策略。面对来自超级市场、专业商店等各方面的挑战与竞争,百货业的业霸主地位已经,许多曾被视为经营典范的百年老店宣告破产。但是,也有一些百货商店却在激烈竞争中反而加强了自身优势,有了更大的发展。The Marketing Strategy Research of Dalian TPY Department Store
In the early 1990’s, income of Chinese residents has been increasing continually. At the same time, the development of the retail industry far lags behind the development of the level of Chinese life. To promote the modernization of our country’s retail industry Chinese government moderately loosened the regulation of retail industry. With China’s entry into WTO, the marketing environment of all kinds of industry has changed greatly. Facing this changing, vogue department stores has changed marketing strategy stage by stage too. Because of competition from supermarkets and other special shop, department stores have not been overlord in retail industry. Many famous department stores have been come insolvent. On the other hand, some department stores have been strengthened in drastic marketing competition.
Dalian TPY Department Store is such a company whose dominant product is media and high brand. With its entry Dalian since 2002, TPY Department Store has been firm in Dalian’s retail market. Because of the mushroom of the new retail format, the market circumstances have changed from demand exceeding supply to oversupply in Dalian retail market. Tianjinjie Department Store and Intime Department Store disappeared.
Through investigating and analyzing, I will research the marketing strategy of Dalian TPY Department Store in both theory and practice. Hope the paper will be useful for analogous enterprises.