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编号(学号): 忻州市宁武县三岔村农民收入来源调查 摘要:大家都知道我国是一个人口大国,其中农民占有相当大的一部分,所以对农民的收入情况进行研究是非常有必要的。而每个农村的发展情况是不同的,有的村子的主要经济来源是农业,且没有其他的产业,也就是老百姓说的“靠天吃饭”,因此收入也就相应的低;而有的村的经济收入不仅仅是靠农业而且还有其他产业,甚至收入的主要来源就是靠其他产业获得的。因为我是来自农村,对农村比较了解,所以我就对我们村农民收入来源作了详细的调查,并以此说明本村的非农业发展的非常快,农民收入的收入也是比较高的,而且也有利于其他地区借鉴本村的发展,适当的在其地开发其他产业以扩大农民的收入来源。这样,我国农村地区就会迅速的发展起来。本文主要通过对忻州市宁武县某村农民收入情况的调查,主要从农民收入来源进行了调查,根据调查数据计算出各种比例,并通过与上年进行比较来说明该村农民的收入来源情况,而且还根据该村的实际情况提出了一些扩大农民收入来源增加农民收入的建议。 关键词:农民收入, 来源, 调查 SanChaCun NingWuXian xinzhou city farmers income structure analysis Abstract:Everyone know our country is a large populations,Which part of farmers have quite large,So for peasants income situation is necessary to study. And each rural development situation is different, Some village the main economic source is agriculture, And there is no other industry, Also is the rely on the people said, Therefore income also corresponding low; And some village economic income is not only dependent on agriculture and other industries, Even the main source of income is obtained by other industries. Because I am from the countryside to rural understand better on us, so I made a detailed revenue source if the survey, and in order to explain that the non-agricultural development of this village is very fast, income of farmers income is higher, So, in rural areas could quickly developed this paper mainly through the NingWuXian of xinzhou city survey of a village farmer income, mainly from the farmers income sources to carry on the investigation, according to the survey data calculated, and through various proportion compared with the previous year to illustrate the village peasants source of income, but also according to the village of reality. Key wards: farmers income, sources , survey 目录 1 引言 1 2 忻州市宁武县三岔村农民的收入来源调查与分析 1 2.1忻州市宁武县三岔村的概况 1 2.2忻州市宁武县三岔村农民收入来源的调查 2 2.2.1农民收入来源的调查 2 2.2.2劳动力情况的调查 3 2.3忻州市宁武县三岔村农民收入来源分析 4 3 增加农民收入的方法 6 3.1完善相关的惠农政策和加强农民法律意识 6 3.2 加强对农民的教育 7 3.3 加强对村干部的培训和教育 7 3.4 开发塑料大棚和养殖场 8 3.5 加强集体财务的管理 8 4 结束语 9 参



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