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2010 30 3 ENV IRONM ENTA L PROT ECT ION O F CHEM ICA L INDU STRY ! 199! ( 4 100 83) [] - : ; ( m L / g ) - : 0. 1 mm 20 m L / g 20 h 50 42. 3% [] ; ; ; [ ] T E 628. 8+ 7 [ ] A [ ] 1006- 187 8( 2010) 0 3- 0199 - 04 R em oval of Sulfur from P etroleum Coke by Chem ical Oxidation Process X iao J in Yang Siw ei La i Yanqing L i J ie ( S chool of M etallurg ical Science and Eng ineerin g C en tral South U n iv ers ity C hang sh a Hunan 4 10083 C h ina) A bstract: Sulfur in pe tro leum coke w as rem o ved by resp ective u sing n itric acid n itric acidg lacial acet ic ac id m ix ture and aqua reg ia as ox idants. T he expermi enta l results show tha:t The sm a ller the petro leum coke p artic le size the higher the desulfuriz ation rate; W ith the increasing o f liqu idso lid ra tio ( the ratio o f o x idant vo lum e to pe tro leum coke m ass m L / g) the ex tending o f reaction t mi e and the rising o f reaction tem perature the desu lfuriz ation rate is f irst increased and then is rem ained stab le af ter reach ing the ex trem um. T he de sulfurizat ion ra te w ith aqua reg ia is h igher than tho se w ith n itric acid and n itric acidg lac ial acetic ac id m ix ture. T he optmi um desulfurizat ion cond ition s fo r aqua reg ia are as fo llow s: petro leum coke p art icle size 0. 1 mm liqu idso lid rat io 20 m L / g reaction tmi e 20 h and react ion tem perature 50 . U nder the optmi um cond it ion s the desulfurization ratio can com e up to 42. 3% and m o st o f th iophene and m ercaptan o rgan ic sulfur and all o f ino rgan ic sulfur can be ef fective ly rem o ved. K e


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