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第 48 卷第 1 期 林业科学 Vo I. 48 ,No.l 5CIENTIA 5ILVAE 5INICAE 2012 年 1 月 Jao. ,2012 浙江省毛竹竹板材碳转移分析 顾 蕾1 沈振明2 周宇峰1 施拥军1 李翠琴I I 1 Annette Partida 徐小军 (1.浙江农林大学 浙江省森林生态系统碳循环与固碳减徘重点实验室 临安 311300; 2. I际安市林业技术服务总站 l临安 3113ω) 关键词: 毛竹:竹板材:胸径;碳转移:碳储量 中图分类号: 5718.55 i 5795 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1001 -7488(2012)01 -0186 -05 Analysis of Carbon Transfer in Moso Bamboo Plank in Zhejiang Province Gu Lei 1 Shen Zhenming2 Zhou Yufeng 1 Shi Yongjun 1 Li Cuiqin 1 Annette Partida 1 Xu Xiaojun 1 ( 1. Z hejiang Provi时归1 Key Laboralory 01 Carbon Cycling in Fore1 Ecoy.1e阳 and Carbon Sequelrat切n Zhejlιang Agricultural and Ferestry Unive,.臼:y L町an 3113∞; 2. Lin an Foresl.ηT町hnical se附阳 S阳lion Lin an 311300 ) Abstract: This paper investigates bamboo planks processed from 170 various bamhoo stems and their carhon transfer ratio. Analysis of carhon transfer ratio of bamhoo stems with 5 different specifications and different hamhoo diameters. Relationship hetween hamhoo plank carhon sequestration and diameter at hreast height were estahlished. Results indicate the following: 1) Carbon transfer ratio of different bamhoo diameters differed significantly (P O. 01). Carbon transfer ratio of bamboo stems with 5 different specifications ranged from 35.0% to 39.7% ,with an average of 37.0%. 2) Total carbon transfer ratio of different bamboo diameters rangeed fro


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