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Unit Four How to Write Literature Review How to Write Literature Review What is a review of the literature? Stages of writing literature review Skills of writing literature review Tasks a literature review must do Elements comprised in literature review What is a review of the literature? A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by scholars and researchers. What is a review of the literature? In writing the literature review, your purpose is to demostrate a clear understanding of the topic being investigated, namely: what has been done on the topic? what different scholars have said about their own research? what major finding have been published? what controversial area exist? 文献综述概念(也叫文献阅读报告) 文献综述的概念(“review”, “summary” , “survey”, “…past, present, and future”, etc.) 意义和目的是总结和综合该方向前人已经做了的工作,了解当前的研究水平,分析存在问题,指出可能的研究问题和发展方向等。 文献综述是对某一学科、专业或专题的大量文献进行整理筛选、分析研究和综合后提炼而成的一种学术论文,是高度浓缩的文献产品。 其特点是“综”和“述”-“综”要求对文献资料进行综合分析、归纳整理,使材料更精练明确、更有逻辑层次;“述”则要求对综合整理后的文献进行比较全面的、深入的、系统的、客观的论述。 Ask yourself questions before writing a literature review What is the specific thesis, problem, or research question that my literature review helps to define? 2. What type of literature review am I conducting? Am I looking at issues of theory? methodology? policy? quantitative research (e.g. on the effectiveness of a new procedure)? qualitative research (e.g., studies )? Ask yourself questions before writing a literature review What is the scope of my literature review? What types of publications am I using (e.g., journals, books, government documents, popular media)? What discipline am I working in (e.g., nursing psychology, sociology, medicine)? Ask yourself questions before writing a literature review 4. How good was my information seeking? Has my search been wide enough to ensure Ive found all the relevant material? Has it been narrow enough to exclude irrelevant material? Is the number of sources Ive used appropriate for the length of my p


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