猩球崛起 中英双语字幕文本格式文件.doc

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猩球崛起 中英双语字幕文本格式文件

很好…给你 Hey, okay ... now... 再来一次 lets go again. - 这是哪一只,九号? - 没错,九号,「慧眼」 Which ones this, number? - Yeah, number . Bright eyes. 你看到了吗? Are you watching this? 太不可思议了 This, this is unbelieveable. 上帝啊 Oh, my God. 上帝啊 Oh, my God. - 一共多少步? How many moves was that? - 最优算法是步 天,你到底给她喂了什么? The perfect score is . God, what, what are you giving her? 喂,把录像给我! Hey, give me that video! 九号黑猩猩,只注射了一支 Chimp number , just one dose. - 没见我忙着吗? - 我们准备好了 Couldnt I see you later? - Were good to go. 我一会儿给你打回去 嗯,谢谢,再见 Im going to call you back. Yeah, all right. Thanks, Bye. 型药剂,成功了 , it works. - 就在一只身上成功了? - 一只就足够了 On just the one primate? - One is all we need. 智力完全复原 Full cognitive recovery. 我们准备好了 Were ready 你确定不会太冒进? Look, are you sure youre not rushing this? 我已经试验了五年半 Ive been working on this for five and a half years. 你一看数据便知,我们准备好了,史蒂芬 The data is clear. Were ready, Steven. 只要你同意人体实验即可 All I need is your approval for human trials. 这得要董事会同意才行 Oh, for this, youre going to need the Boards approval. 我们在这上面押了很多钱,威尔 Theres a lot of money riding on this, Will. - 你只有一次机会 - 一次足矣 You only get one shot. - One shot is all I need. 好,整理报告给我看 All right. Ill need to see all the research. 没问题 You got it! - 还有,威尔… - 嗯? Oh, and Will ... - Yeah? 不要把个人感情带进来 Keep your personal emotions out of it. 老板们只看结果,别谈什么理想 These people invest in results, not dreams. 好! Okay! 这是九号黑猩猩,她正在做汉诺塔游戏 Meet chimp . Here shes tasking at what is called the Lucas Tower. 铁盘在柱子之间移动 The object of which is to move the tower from peg to peg 且大盘子不能压在小盘子上面 without placing a larger block on top of a smaller block. 跟我们预想的一样,她失败了 As expected, she was unable to complete the puzzle at all. 然后我们对她进行了基因治疗 药剂名叫ALZ- Then, we gave her what we call, ALZ-, a gene therapy 它能使脑细胞自我修复 that allows the brain to create its own cells in order to repair itself. 这在生物学上称为「神经形成」 In biology, this is called neurogenesis. 基因系统公司认为 Here, at GEN-SYS, 它能治愈老年痴呆症 we call it a cure to Alzheimers. - 唐尼,让她准备好,行吗? - 她应该是怯场了 Donnie,


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