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摘要:自踏入医学殿堂的那一刻起,我便深刻的认识到,“精医术,懂人文,有理想,能创新”是新时期下的医生所应具备的素质.理论学习中,我克己求严,勤奋认真,顺利完成了必修课程.在良师益友的指导帮助下,系统掌握了医学知识,为日后进入临床打下了扎实基础。 作为一名药学员,我深知药学专业是一个实践性强,动手能力要求高的专业.本专业是培养具有化学、生物医学、药学的基本理论知识与实验技能,从事药物及其制剂的设计、制备和分析检验、新药开发及药品注册、合理用药、药品营销等工作的实用型药学人才.该专业涉及内容广泛、理论性强、需要掌握的内容较多,所以学生负担较重,学习时间较紧张,学习效果不够理想.因此,只学习书本知识是远远不够的,是不能学以致用的,理论和实践相结合才能把我们所学的知识带给人们.如果淡化学科意识,从增强岗位能力着眼和着手,强化教学的实用性,可大大减轻学生的学习负担.所以通过调查,统计近几届药学专业毕业生的就业渠道,主要从事药品营销和医院药房工作.于是,虽然只是大一学员,我们仍接受学校建议,在短暂的大一暑假中,我积极参加了社会实践活动,深入到基层在药品销售岗位接受锻炼.从见习中我增长了不少社会见识,提高了自身的社会实践能力,为日后的工作打下了良好的基础。
Abstract :Since the rollover to the hall of medicine that moment, I deeply realize that the skills, understand the humanities, ideal, can innovation is the quality of the doctors should have the new period. The theory of learning, I self-strict, diligent, successful completion of required courses. In the guidance and help of a mentor, the master of medical knowledge, clinical and laid a solid foundation for the future.
As a medicine student, I am well aware that pharmacy is a practical, hands-on ability demanding profession. This specialty aims to cultivate chemistry, Biology and medicine, The basic theoretical knowledge and experimental skills in pharmacy, The design of the drug and its preparation, preparation and analysis of testing, development of new drugs and drug registration in, the reasonable use of drugs, drug marketing and so on the practical work of pharmaceutical talents. This major involves in extensive content and strong sense of theory, more need to master the content, so the heavier the burden on students, learning time is tight, the learning effect is not ideal. Therefore, it is not enough to only learn book knowledge, cant apply what they have learned, and the combination of theory and practice in order to put what weve learned knowledge to the people. If dilution of subject consciousness, enhancing the ability to focus on jobs and begin to strengthen the practicability of teaching, can
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