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2015 年 6 月 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 步进电机的单片机控制系统设计 摘 要:本次设计的题目是步进电机的单片机控制系统设计。设计要求实现用单片机对步进电机进行正反转控制和正、反向点动控制,在实现上面的两个基本功能后,再用单片机对步进电机实现速度调节控制。在完成上述设计后,用Proteus软件进行系统仿真验证。为了能够实现要求的这些功能,在这个毕业设计中,采用了4*4键盘、C51单片机最小系统、LCD(LM016L)液晶显示模块、(ULN2003A)电机驱动来选择的步进电机(28BYJ-48)、一个外部指示灯电路。4*4键盘用来读入需要实现的动作(包括正向转、反向转、正向点动、反向点动、调速等按钮);单片机模块用来处理读入的数据并发出相应的指令(如正转,反转等);LCD显示模块主要用来显示当前电动机运行转数(每分),当在键盘输入无效时,显示无效标志;添加驱动(ULN2003A)的作用是驱动步进电机在这个系统中正常工作;步进电机作为此次设计的执行装置。本系统的执行流程可以概括为:当操作人员按下相应键盘按钮后,单片机扫描键盘并读入操作人员的目的,经过单片机内部C程序处理发出相应的动作指令,然后送入电机驱动模块使电动机动作,之后发出指令使显示模块和指示灯模块工作。 关键词:单片机;步进电机;键盘模块;显示模块;电机驱动模块 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Design of Stepping Motor Controlled by Single-chip Microcomputer System Abstract: This design is the subject of step motor controlled by single-chip microcomputer system design. Design requirements to achieve and the microcontroller to reverse the step motor control and positive and negative control, after achieving two basic functions, and then adjusting the speed of single chip microprocessor stepping motor control. On completion of this design, the Proteus system simulation software. In order to be able to implement these features in this graduation project, using a 4*4 keyboard, C51 monolithic integrated circuit system, LCD (LM016L) LCD modules, (ULN2003A) motor drive for stepper motors (28BYJ-48), an external led circuits. 4*4 keyboard to read into the required action (including positive turn, reverse turn, forward, reverse and speed buttons); microcontroller module is used to read the data and issue corresponding instructions (forward, reverse, etc); LCD display module is used to display the current motor speed (per minute), the keyboard input is invalid, display invalid flag; add drive (ULN2003A) role is to drive the stepper motor in this system works; as the design of step motor actuator. The system implementation process can be summarized as follows: when the operator presses the appropriate keyboard button, single chip scans the keyboard and read into the operators purpose, proc


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