第十五板块 选修八 Module 1 Deep South.ppt

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第十五板块 选修八 Module 1 Deep South

[基础经典题] Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The film was a huge      (商业的)success. 答案:promote 3.As a new teacher,Susan tried to      (促进)good feelings between the students and her. 答案:extremely 2.That was a/an      (极其)cold winter morning. 答案:commercial 4.She had the time and the      (灵感)to develop her talent. 答案:reliability 5.It is important to assess the      (可靠性)of the data. 答案:inspiration 6. A small child has to learn to keep its b     before it can walk far. 答案:privilege 8.The club members have the p     of using the lending service of the library. 答案:emergency 7.Quick! Call an ambulance! This is an e     ! 答案:balance 9.Plant the seeds at a     (深度)of about 2 cm. 答案:depth 10.Her      (缺席)from the party made her good friends very angry. 答案:absence Ⅱ.选词填空 come into sight,take the risk of..., come up with,set foot on, as a result,in particular 1.Has anyone            a good idea? 答案:as a result 3.They held completely different views,and      , they reached no agreement . 答案:came into sight 2.A camel          in the desert. 答案:come up with 4.He saved my life          losing his own. 答案:set foot on 5.Nobody has ever           the lonely island. 答案:taking the risk of 6.It was a good concert—I enjoyed the last song     . 答案:in particular Ⅲ.易错绣场[考查从句引导词] 1.In 2010,Shanghai will be the first city    people all over the world would like to visit. A.where B.that C.which D.what 解析:此处考查定语从句,故排除D;因引导词在从句中作visit 的宾语,应排除A;先行词city前有first修饰,应排除C。 答案:B 2.This morning my father told me      he would attend a conference      he wouldnt come back home for lunch. A.that;and that B.that;and C.不填;and D.不填;不填 解析:当动词后有两个或两个以上由that引导的宾语从句时,除第一个可省略外,其他一律不能省略。 答案:A 3.The day     the opening ceremony was held was very instructive and I‘ll never forget the day   created a good impression. A.when;when


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