第十六板块 选修八 Module 4 Which English.ppt

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第十六板块 选修八 Module 4 Which English

Ⅳ.语法专练 单元语法 状语和状语从句 1.(2010·杭州教学检测)I could never watch any movie more than once,     good it is. A.whatever B.however C.whenever D.whichever 解析:句意:无论是多好的电影我都不看第二遍。however good it is =no matter how good it is。 答案:B 2.     the worse I seem to feel. A.When I take more medicine B.The more medicine I take C.Taking more of the medicine D.More medicine taken 解析:考查“the +比较级,the +比较级”句型。句意:服药越多,我感觉越糟。 答案:B 3.He was about halfway through his meal      a familiar voice came to his ears. A.why B.where C.when D.while 解析:考查结构:be about to do... when...“正要干……这时发生……”。句意:他正吃饭吃到一半,这时听到一个熟悉的声音。 答案:C 4.I suggest you practise hard from now on,     you want to lose face before so many people. A.unless B.whether C.because D.while 解析:考查 unless 引导的条件状语从句。句意:如果你不想 在那么多人面前丢脸的话,我建议你从现在起努力练习。 答案:A 5.(2010·东北三校联考)     I have some sympathy for them, I dont think they are right to do so. A.As B.If C.While D.When 解析:句意:虽然我对他们表示同情,但我认为他们这样做不妥。while放在句首,意为although“虽然”。as“由于”;if“如果”;when“当……的时候”。 答案:C 1.tell...apart 把……区分开来 tell A and B apart=tell A from B =tell the difference(s)between A and B           把A和B区分开来 tell+that.../wh-   辨别,识别 tell sb. about/of sth. 告诉某人有关某事 tell a lie/lies 撒谎 to tell the truth 说实话 ①I cant tell whether it is him or not. 我认不清是不是他。 ② It is very important for us to true friends false ones in society. 在社会上辨别出真假朋友对我们来说是非常重要的。 ③The kittens looked exactly alike—how could you which was which?这些小猫看上去一模一样——你怎么能分辨出哪只是哪只呢? tell from tell 2.let sb.down 使某人失望 let sth.down     放低某物,放下某物 let sb./sth. in/into 允许某人/某物进入 let alone 更不用说 let out 使出去;放出;泄露 let off 让……下车;饶恕;引爆 ① Let down the rope so that I can climb up. 把绳子放下来我好爬上去。 ②Im co


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