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汽车消防车产品强制性认证申请书 Application for Motor Fire Vehicle Products 3C Certification 请选择/Please tickle: 首次申请/First Application □ 扩大范围申请/Scope Expansion □ 证书延续申请/Renewal □ 申请企业名称/ Applicant (Corporation): (加盖公章/Seal) 生产厂名称/Manufacturer: 申请产品类别/Category of Product: 填报日期/Submission Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 年 月 日 公安部消防产品合格评定中心印制 Published by China Certification Center for Fire Products, Ministry of Public Security, PRC 须 知 1.本申请书一个认证单元应填写一份申请书并一式二份寄/送至公安部消防产品合格评定中心, 第三份自己存档。 邮寄地址: 中国北京市崇文区永外西革新里甲108号 公安部消防产品合格评定中心 邮编:100077 2.首次申请须提交《消防产品认证工厂条件调查表》(CCCF/002-2002(A/1)); 3.《机动车辆类(汽车消防车产品)强制性认证实施规则》发布;本申请书、合同、消防产品认证工厂条件调查表等文件通过http://下载; 4.其他提交材料一式二份寄/送至公安部消防产品合格评定中心: 1) 申请人及生产厂的工商注册证明复印件(加盖印章); 2) 申请人及生产厂的组织机构代码证复印件; 3) 提交所申请商标的注册证明及商标使用授权书; 4) 本申请表应用中文填写。 5. 非首次申请如实填写已申请并通过认证的产品情况。 NOTICE 1. Applicant should fill in an application in a unit and send two filled copies of this Application Form to China Certification Center for Fire Products (CCCF), and the third copy should be filed by the applicant. Mail address: China Certification Center for Fire Products, Ministry of Public Security Jia 108, Xigexinli, Yongwai, Chongwenqu, Beijing, P.R.C. Postcode: 100077 2. If first application , applicant should fill the Factory Situation Questionnaire for Fire Products Certification. 3. Public documents related to CCCF product certification can be found on the website: http:// or directly contact with CCCF by letter or phone. 4. The application form shall be filled out in Chinese. 5. If second application, applicant should fill the description of the product already obtained CCCF certification . 概 况 申请企业/Applicant Firm 1.1名称/Name: 1.2法定代表人/Authorized Person of Applicant firm: 1.3地址及邮编/Address and Postcode: 1.4 联系人/Representative to be contacted: 1.5 电话/Tel: 1.6 传真/Fax: 1.7 电子邮件/E-mail: 代理机构或中国办事处(代表处)/Agency or Office PRC (Representative office) 2.1名称/Name: 2.2联系人/Representative to be contacted: 2.3地址及邮编/Address


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